
Laravel Nova blog resources.

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Laravel Nova blog resources.


Require package with Composer.

composer require den1n/nova-blog

Publish package resources.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Den1n\NovaBlog\ServiceProvider"

This will publish the following resources:

  • Configuration file config/nova-blog.php
  • Migration file database/migrations/*_create_blog_tables.php
  • Translations resources/lang/vendor/nova-blog
  • Views resources/views/vendor/nova-blog
  • JavaScript assets resources/js/vendor/nova-blog
  • CSS assets resources/sass/vendor/nova-blog

Add noba-blog components provided by the package to file resources\js\app.js before Vue initialization.


Add noba-blog styles provided by the package to file resources\sass\app.scss.

@import './vendor/nova-blog';

Migrate database.

php artisan migrate

Add instance of class Den1n\NovaBlog\Tool to your App\Providers\NovaServiceProvider::tools() method to display the blog posts, comments, categories and tags within your Nova resources.

 * Get the tools that should be listed in the Nova sidebar.
 * @return array
public function tools()
    return [
        new \Den1n\NovaBlog\Tool,

Serving Blog Posts

To serve blog posts append this route to your routes/web.php file.


You can define route with prefix.


You can get url to existing post by using Laravel route helper.

use \Den1n\NovaPosts\Models\Post;

$url = route('nova-blog.post', [
    'post' => Post::find(1),

// Or you can pass a post slug.
$url = route('nova-blog.post', [
    'post' => 'my-post-slug',

Default template

Blog controller will serve posts with default template.

Template is published to views directory resources/views/vendor/nova-blog/templates/default.blade.php.

Template will receive these variables when processed:

  • $post: instance of Post model.
  • $sidebarPosts: collection of Post models.
  • $sidebarCategories: collection of Category models.
  • $sidebarTags: collection of Tag models.

You can freely modify default template.

Creating a custom template

First create a custom blade template in resources/views/vendor/nova-blog/templates directory.

For example, rich.blade.php.

Then register it in configuration file config/nova-blog.php.

 * Array of templates used by controller.

'templates' => [
    // ...
        'name' => 'rich',
        'description' => 'A rich template',

After that your custom template will be available to select when creating blog post or updating existing one.

WYSIWYG editor

By default package uses default WYSIWYG editor provided by Nova.

You can replace default editor. For example, with froala/nova-froala-field.

To do this, install the package and update editor settings in config/nova-pages.php file.

     * Settings for WYSIWYG editor.

    'editor' => [
         * Nova field class name.

        'class' => \Froala\NovaFroalaField\Froala::class,

         * Options which will be applied to te field instance.
         * Key: name of field method.
         * Value: list of method arguments.

        'options' => [
            'withFiles' => ['public', 'nova-pages'],

            // Froala options.
            'options' => [[
                'heightMax' => 800,
                'heightMin' => 300,




Post Form

Post Form

Post Detail

Post Detail

Blog Example

Blog Example


  1. Fork it.
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature.
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'.
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature.
  5. Submit a pull request.


If you require any support open an issue on this repository.
