
Cross-platform SSL socket that uses only the native OS API.

Primary LanguageC++

Cross-Platform SSLSocket Library


The Cross-Platform SSLSocket Library provides a simple way to create secure socket connections using SSL/TLS on both Windows and macOS. This library uses SChannel on Windows and Secure Transport on macOS to handle SSL/TLS connections.


  • Cross-platform support for Windows and macOS
  • Secure SSL/TLS connections
  • Simple API for connecting, sending, and receiving data


  1. Include the ssl-socket.h and ssl-socket.cpp files in your project.
  2. Link against the necessary libraries:
    • On Windows, link against ws2_32.lib and secur32.lib.
    • On macOS, no additional linking is required as Secure Transport is part of the system libraries.

Class API


  • Constructor: ssl-socket(const std::string& host, int port)
    • Initializes a new instance of the ssl-socket class.
  • Destructor: ~ssl-socket()
    • Cleans up resources.
  • bool connect()
    • Establishes a secure connection to the specified host and port.
    • Returns true if the connection is successful, false otherwise.
  • int send(const std::string& data)
    • Sends data over the secure connection.
    • Returns the number of bytes sent, or -1 on error.
  • std::string receive()
    • Receives data from the secure connection.
    • Returns the received data as a string.
  • void close()
    • Closes the secure connection.

Implementation Details

  • Windows: Uses SChannel for SSL/TLS connections.
  • macOS: Uses Secure Transport for SSL/TLS connections.