
lightweight dependency injection library for TypeScript projects

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A simple and lightweight inversion of control container for TypeScript apps.


Propin is a lightweight (2KB) inversion of control (IoC) container for TypeScript apps. Propin has been designed in a way that facilitates its integration with as many libraries and frameworks as possible. Some frameworks/libraries take the control over the creation of instances. For example, React takes control over the creation of instances of a given Component. Propin is an utility that allows you to inject into a property.


Propin has been developed with 2 main goals:

  1. Allow React and other developers to write code that adheres to the SOLID principles.

  2. Add as little runtime overhead as possible.

The Basics

Let’s take a look at the basic usage and APIs of Propin:

Step 1: Declare dependencies using the injector

// file HttpService.ts

class HttpService {
  updateStatus(): void {
    // ...  

// file index.ts

import { injector } from 'propin';
import { HttpService } from './HttpService';

injector.bind(HttpService).toInstance(new HttpService());

Step 2: Resolve dependencies using the @inject

// file SomeComponent.tsx

import * as React from 'react';
import { inject } from 'propin';
import { HttpService } from './HttpService';

export class SomeComponent extends React.Component<SomeComponentProps> {
  httpService: HttpService;

  render(): JSX.Element {
    return (
      <div onClick={this.someAction}>
        // ....

  someAction = (): void => {


License under the MIT License (MIT)