Some considerations

Project Lombok

This project is using Lombok to generate getters and the builder pattern. If you have compilation problems because of the missing getters or the missing builder method on some class, remember to install Lombok to your IDE. You can find the jar and the instructions on their website

Build failure, test failures and stuff not working

Depending on the level that you test for, the code either has tests implemented for methods that you have to implement, or it misses some parts, or there are some bugs left in the code. Therefore, when you first run mvn clean install it might not work.

H2 Database

This is an in-memory DB, meaning that once you stop the app, all the content is gone. In the resources folder you have two files with wich you can manage the initial state of the DB. One is to create the tables, the other is to insert data.

You can access the DB at http://localhost:8080/tasks/h2-console with user: sa and password: password. The jdbc url is jdbc:h2:mem:tasksdb.