Creation and port to MiSTer by Cole Johnson
R : Reset
W/S : Player 1 up/down
UP/DOWN : Player 1 up/down
SPACE : Serve Ball
V : Toggle Manual Serve
C : Toggle Paddle Size
X : Toggle Ball Speed
Z : Toggle Ball Angle
1 : Tennis
2 : Soccer
3 : Handicap
4 : Squash
5 : Practice
6 : Rifle 1
7 : Rifle 2
Joystick support not yet implemented.
Mono: Solid black/white, most systems did this
Greyscale: Achieved using external resistors in real systems
RGB1: Arbitrary pallete used during development
RGB2: Based on video of an actual console (forgot which one)
Field: Approximation of a grass-colored field
Ice: Approximation of an ice rink
Christmas: Mono with red/green paddles
Marksman: Based on footage of the Coleco Telstar Marksman
Las Vegas: Based on footage of Tele-spiel Las Vegas
Developed by Cole Johnson
Thanks to: Sean Riddle for die photos, Alan S. and @MisterAddons for donating some MiSTer hardware
Patreon supporters: Suverman, Erika, Ewen McNeill, Dylan Lipsitz, Ewen McNeill, Alan Steremberg, and JM Blandin