What I learned
- Different type of segue and dealing with multi screens
- Navigation stack and the role it plays
- Animation using loop
- using loop with array, set, and dic
- using Set for more efficiency rather than Array.
- Using Cocoapod and fix issues related to that
- Install and config with Firebase
- Perform the complete registration process using Firebase Authentication
- Change navigationItem title and hide back btn
- Working with TableView and TableView call and all needed delegates
- Design custom tableView cell
- learning about casting as, as?, as!
- as! is to force downcast from super to sub - you have to be 100% sure it is the correct cast
- as? is a better option since it check if it can be cast.
- as to upcast from sub to super
- Learning about Any, AnyObject
- using a keyword 'is' with if condition which let you check if the 2 both sides of is are the same data type
- Learning about Firebase Cloud Firestore DB
- Learning about the view lifecycle
I learned this project from "iOS 13 & Swift 5 - The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp" course on Udemy that I purchased