
Primary LanguageMakefileApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

HAKONIWA, virtual network builder


HAKONIWA as virtual network builder for Linux host. You can create VMs and connect VMs via virtual network easily using HAKONIWA.


  • Internet reachability
  • Terraform
  • libvirt

These tools are installed automatically by make setup.

Tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

Basic usage

  1. make setup (once)
  2. logout if libvirt is installed (once)
  3. select configuration such as config/simple-network.conf, or your own wrote file.
  4. make config CONFIG=config/simple-network.tf or specify your own wrote file.
  5. make apply

For help, type "make".


simple-network.tf configuration has 4 VMs and 3 virtual networks.

locals {
  hosts = {
       "guest"   = { "os" = "ubuntu",  "net" = [ "default", "net0" ] }
       "sonic"   = { "os" = "sonic",   "net" = [ "default", "net0", "net1" ] }
       "cumulus" = { "os" = "cumulus", "net" = [ "default", "net1", "net2" ] }
       "server"  = { "os" = "ubuntu",  "net" = [ "default", "net2" ] }


|guest (Ubuntu)   |- - - - -
-------------------         .
         |                  .
       (net0)               .
         |                  .
-------------------         .
|sonic (SONiC-VS) |- - - - -.
-------------------         .
         |                  .         ----------------
       (net1)              (default)--| Host machine |
         |                  .         ----------------
-------------------         .
|cumulus (Cumulus)|- - - - -.
-------------------         .
         |                  .
       (net2)               .
         |                  .
-------------------         .
|server (Ubuntu)  |- - - - -

Create it

$ cat config/simple-network.tf 
# for test simple bgp

locals {
  hosts = {
       "guest"   = { "os" = "ubuntu",  "net" = [ "default", "net0" ] }
       "sonic"   = { "os" = "sonic",   "net" = [ "default", "net0", "net1" ] }
       "cumulus" = { "os" = "cumulus", "net" = [ "default", "net1", "net2" ] }
       "server"  = { "os" = "ubuntu",  "net" = [ "default", "net2" ] }
$ make config CONFIG=config/simple-network.tf 
mv -f tf/config.tf tf/config.tf.bak
cp $CONFIG tf/config.tf
basename $CONFIG .tf > .config
$ make apply
cd tf; terraform apply -auto-approve
module.hosts.libvirt_pool.storage-pool: Creating...
libvirt_network.private_network["net1"]: Creating...
libvirt_network.private_network["net2"]: Creating...
libvirt_network.private_network["net0"]: Creating...
module.hosts.libvirt_pool.storage-pool: Creation complete after 5s [id=96b6daf4-e52f-494b-b2fb-820299cbe8c0]
module.hosts.libvirt_volume.os-image["guest"]: Creating...
module.hosts.libvirt_volume.os-image["server"]: Creating...
module.hosts.libvirt_volume.os-image["sonic"]: Creating...
module.hosts.libvirt_volume.os-image["cumulus"]: Creating...
libvirt_network.private_network["net2"]: Creation complete after 5s [id=3a354c97-e2fb-473a-aacd-bcdcb39dcfd8]
libvirt_network.private_network["net1"]: Creation complete after 5s [id=e248e37b-32fb-4476-b205-794353bd2c79]
libvirt_network.private_network["net0"]: Creation complete after 5s [id=55a28d5b-e6c1-4be8-90dd-ef5f8d7ec6eb]
module.hosts.libvirt_volume.os-image["guest"]: Creation complete after 3s [id=/home/masaru/hakoniwa/tf/modules/hosts/pool/guest-disk.qcow2]
module.hosts.libvirt_volume.os-image["server"]: Creation complete after 6s [id=/home/masaru/hakoniwa/tf/modules/hosts/pool/server-disk.qcow2]
module.hosts.libvirt_volume.os-image["sonic"]: Still creating... [10s elapsed]
module.hosts.libvirt_volume.os-image["cumulus"]: Still creating... [10s elapsed]
module.hosts.libvirt_volume.os-image["sonic"]: Still creating... [20s elapsed]
module.hosts.libvirt_volume.os-image["cumulus"]: Still creating... [20s elapsed]
module.hosts.libvirt_volume.os-image["sonic"]: Creation complete after 21s [id=/home/masaru/hakoniwa/tf/modules/hosts/pool/sonic-disk.qcow2]
module.hosts.libvirt_volume.os-image["cumulus"]: Creation complete after 25s [id=/home/masaru/hakoniwa/tf/modules/hosts/pool/cumulus-disk.qcow2]
module.hosts.libvirt_domain.domain-vm["guest"]: Creating...
module.hosts.libvirt_domain.domain-vm["server"]: Creating...
module.hosts.libvirt_domain.domain-vm["cumulus"]: Creating...
module.hosts.libvirt_domain.domain-vm["sonic"]: Creating...
module.hosts.libvirt_domain.domain-vm["guest"]: Creation complete after 1s [id=1262528a-e8db-4de0-abfe-3b0abcb5202e]
module.hosts.libvirt_domain.domain-vm["server"]: Creation complete after 1s [id=9e138c6d-a07f-4281-8e3d-863564eed5c8]
module.hosts.libvirt_domain.domain-vm["sonic"]: Creation complete after 1s [id=52731994-ffd6-4b54-86c7-151b5954436f]
module.hosts.libvirt_domain.domain-vm["cumulus"]: Creation complete after 1s [id=38911941-e516-445e-9a0c-171487f83169]

Apply complete! Resources: 12 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.

How to access VMs

After make apply, To get VM names and mgmt IP address, you can use "make show-hosts".

$ make show-hosts
   VM name       Mgmt IP

You can

  • virsh console NAME
  • ssh IP_ADDRESS

VMs and network configuration

Typical host entry format:

{ NAME, "os" = OS, "cpu" = NUM, "mem" = NUM, "net" = [ "default", "...", ... ] }

host entry parameter:

  • NAME VM name.
  • "os" OS image name. Currentry, one of
    • "ubuntu"
    • "debian"
    • "cumulus"
    • "sonic"
  • "cpu" Number of core.
  • "mem" Memory size. Megabyte.
  • "net" Virtual network names. Virtual networks are automatically craated. "default" as management network.

HAKONIWA configuration

Edit rules/config/mk.

Future plan

  • Speficy OS version for each VM
  • Customize storage size of VMs
  • Configuration VMs by Ansible


  • Dec 21, 2022 Initial release

