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iMichka's Mastodon Infrastructure

This repo contains the terraform infrastructure and the code to run my own mastodon instance, hosted at http://mastodon.imichka.me.

Mastodon is free and open-source software for running self-hosted social networking services: https://joinmastodon.org/en

I made some important design choices while creating the architecture of this projet. I had two goals in mind: my AWS bill should be as low as possible, and I wanted to learn new things.

Right now the cost are below 22$/month (domain name excluded): I still need to setup an AWS saving plan to reduce costs even more.

This is my own instance, so I do not need to scale it, and if there is some downtime, it is not a big deal. Do not use this code in production if you need to scale your instance or need extra security.

Though I tried my best to respect some basic cybersecurity principles, but I do not guarantee anything.

  • I wanted to keep mastodon running in a non-routable private subnet, as this is a good practice, and let network traffic go through a NAT Gateway / Application Load Balancer

    • The AWS NAT Gateway is way too expensive for this project. I replaced it with my own NAT instance, using a t2.nano EC2 machine
    • The AWS Application Load Balancer is way too expensive for this project. I have created my own reverse proxy using nginx on a t2.nano EC2 machine
    • To keep costs low, I installed the reverse proxy on the same EC2 as the NAT instance
  • The whole mastodon stack runs on a single EC2 instance (webserver, postgresql, ...)

    • I did not want to use RDS for the database, as it is too expensive for this project
    • I considered running mastodon in docker, either on ECS or EKS: too expensive
    • I might add elasticsearch for fun on the EC2, but right now it is not implemented
    • The whole stack is deployed through ansible on the EC2 machines
  • There is no preproduction environment right now, but I could add one if necessary later on

  • No multi zone redundancy, no autoscaling: everything is a single point of failure: I do not care about downtimes

  • No extra monitoring tools: standard Cloudwatch is enough

  • No WAF, no DDOS protection: I can still add it later, but it is expensive, and I do not feel I need it right now

  • The domain name was bought through route 53: it was easier for me to integrate into the AWS ecosystem. It is probably the most expensive part of the infrastructure ...

  • Storage is done on S3, that's the only "standard" thing I have implemented

  • Backups are done with a cron job on the EC2 and copied over to S3

  • Certificates are delivered by Let's Encrypt



Why did I start this silly project?

  • I became a manager in 2022, after 10 years of being a developer, so I wanted to keep coding (even though I'm also still working a lot on https://github.com/Homebrew/)
  • I worked with Azure for 4 years, and wanted to try out AWS (my current company is moving to AWS so this made sense too)
  • I wanted to give ansible a try
  • I wanted to move out of X/Twitter (because of Elon Musk)

Why hosting my own instace?


Why self-hosting?

I had some free time while travelling alone for work beginning of 2023 for two weeks.

I considered using a mastodon hosting platform, but that did not sound fun enough.

What was the hardest part of the projet?

Configuring the nat instance an the reverse proxy. This took me forever.

Setting up the ansible script for mastodon was also a pain (it's based on the mastodon documentation)

I think all in all, it took me more than 100 hours of work to release into production.

Future plans

  • Add encryption between the mastodon EC2 and the reverse proxy
  • Setup a saving plan to reduce costs

Running ansible

ansible-playbook -v -i “localhost,” test.yaml

Checking ngingx logs

sudo less /var/log/nginx/error.log sudo less /var/log/nginx/access.log

Getting new certs

Comment out "listen SSL 443" in nginx configuration

sudo certbot --nginx --agree-tos --no-eff-email -d mastodon.imichka.me

Reverse proxy https / http tricks


Emails / SES / SMTP


Nginx reverse proxy for s3 / file caching
