
Targeting Raspberry Pi Zero for Horizon Sensor Verification Balloon

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Targeting Raspberry Pi Zero for Horizon Sensor Verification Balloon

Notes: To disable getty on Serial0 remove console=ttyAMA0,115200 from cmdline.txt fat partition using sd card in external machine To stop lightdm do: "sudo systemctl set-default multi-user.target" To restore lightdm do: "sudo systemctl set-default graphical.target" Also aparently getty is UNKILLABLE JOFISDPOSHGPOS do "sudo systemctl mask serial-getty@ttyAMA0.service" to pipe it to null. ensure user is added to video group "sudo usermod -a -G video " repeated start is required for the melexis so do "echo -n 1 > /sys/module/i2c_bcm2708/parameters/combined" you will need to be supered for this. (sudo su) Additionally this will need to be done every boot... UGGGGGGGGGHHHHH Remember to install PNG++