PicORM is a small and powerfull PHP ORM based on Active Record pattern

Primary LanguagePHPGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


a lightweight PHP ORM.

PicORM will help you to map your MySQL database rows into PHP object and create relations between them.
PicORM is an Active Record pattern implementation easy to install and use.

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Some stuff you need to know

  • You can't have multiple primary key yet
  • You can't use Many To Many relations with data in relation table yet
  • Fork and pull request are encouraged!


From composer

Install composer in your www folder with curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php

Create a composer.json file with

    "require": {
        "picorm/picorm": "0.0.6"

Install PicORM with php composer.phar install

From source
Clone https://github.com/iNem0o/PicORM repository and include PicORM autoload with


Load and configure PicORM
Before using PicORM you have to configure it. datasource is the only required parameter and have to be a PDO instance

	'datasource' => new PDO('mysql:dbname=DBNAME;host=HOST', 'DBLOGIN', 'DBPASSWD')


Implements a Model
First you have to create a table, which your model will be mapped to

    CREATE TABLE `brands` (
      `idBrand` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      `nameBrand` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
      `noteBrand` float DEFAULT 0,
      PRIMARY KEY (`idBrand`)

Next create a class which extends \PicORM\Model You have to implements some static parameters to describe your MySQL table schema, if you forgot one of them, a \PicORM\Exception will remind you

protected static $_tableName MySQL table name
protected static $_primaryKey table primary key field name
protected static $_tableFields array with all mysql table fields name without primary key

protected static $_databaseName name of the database if different from datasource main DB

and then, add one public property by table field with public $fieldName

Brand model declaration

    class Brand extends \PicORM\Model
        protected static $_tableName = 'brands';
        protected static $_primaryKey = 'idBrand';

        protected static $_tableFields = array(

        public $idBrand;
        public $nameBrand;
        public $noteBrand;


Create and save

// creating new model
	$brand = new Brand();

// setting field
	$brand -> nameBrand = 'Peugeot';

// save model
	$brand -> save();

Update and delete

// Criteria with exact value (idBrand=10)
    $brand = Brand :: findOne(array('idBrand' => 10));

// setting model property
	$brand -> nameBrand = 'Audi';

// save model
	$brand -> save();
// save model
	$brand -> delete();

find() and findOne()

Every subclass of Model inherit of static methods find() and findOne().
Theses methods are used to hydrate models from database rows.

 * Find one model from criteria, allowing to order
 * @param array $where - associative
 * @param array $order - associative array
public static function findOne($where = array(), $order = array())

 * Return Collection instance from criteria, allowing to order and limit result
 * @param array $where - associative array
 * @param array $order - associative array
 * @param int $limitStart - int
 * @param int $limitEnd - int
 * @return Collection
public static function find($where = array(),$order = array(), $limitStart = null, $limitEnd = null)

How to use $where parameter
this parameter is data for building a WHERE mysql clause

// simple criteria
	$where = array('field' => 1);

// custom operator
	$where = array('field' => array('operator' => '<=',
									'value'    => '20')

// raw sql value (NOT prepared, beware of SQL injection)
	$where = array(
					'field'    => array('IN (5,6,4)'),
					'dateTime' => array('NOW()')
// null values (custom operator + raw value)
	$where = ['text' => ['operator' => 'IS', 'value' => ['NULL']]];
	$where = ['text' => ['operator' => 'IS NOT', 'value' => ['NULL']]];

How to use $order parameter
This parameter is data for building an ORDER mysql clause

     $order = array(
		'field2' => DESC,
		'RAND() => ''


Collections in PicORM are created by ::find() method, accessible statically on each \PicORM\Model subclass.
Once you have a fresh \PicORM\Collection instance, data is not fetched yet. Fetching is done only when you try to access data using one of these ways

Collections usage

// php array access
	$firstResult = $collection[0];
// counting collection
	$nbResults = count($collection);
// using getter
	$firstResult = $collection->get(0);
// iterate over the collection
	foreach($collection as $model)
// or manual fetching / re-fetching

An \PicORM\Collection instance can execute UPDATE and DELETE queries on the collection members before fetching data, this way using update() or delete() method produce only one MySQL query based on find() restriction parameters.

// Delete all models in collection
    $collection = Brand::find(array('noteBrand' => 10))
                         -> delete();

// Update and set noteBrand = 5 to collection
    $collection = Brand::find(array('noteBrand' => array('IN(9,10,11)')))
                         -> update(array('noteBrand' => 5));

Collections pagination

Pagination in collection is based on MySQL FOUND_ROWS(). Remembering that collection is not fetched until you use it, when you have a Collection instance, its easy to activate pagination with

$carCollection = Car::find();           // grab all car from database
$carCollection->activePagination(50);   // asking for 50 models by page
$carCollection->paginate(1);            // asking for first page

You have now access to 2 more methods.

$nbTotalPages = $carCollection -> getTotalPages();
$nbTotalModels = $carCollection -> foundModels();

Collection advanced query

You are able to alter the fetch query before it execution using the getQueryHelper() method on the collection. You will get an instance of InternalQueryHelper which you can manipulate. Once you are done, just set the collection query helper with setQueryHelper($helper)

That way you can load custom data inside a model instance.

$cars  = Car::find();
$queryBuilder = $cars->getQueryHelper();
$queryBuilder->select("COUNT(idTag) as nbTags");
$queryBuilder->leftJoin('car_has_tag cht', 'cht.idCar = cars.idCar');

Relations between models

Using relations will need you to add a property and a method to your model subclass.
protected static $_relations = array(); needed to be implemented to store model relations protected static function defineRelations() { } method to declare your relation

overriding defineRelations() in your subclass allow you to declare your model specific relations using one of the 3 next methods.

 * Add a OneToOne relation
 * @param $sourceField          - model source field
 * @param $classRelation        - relation model classname
 * @param $targetField          - related model target field
 * @param array $autoGetFields  - field to auto get from relation when loading model
 * @param string $aliasRelation - override relation auto naming className with an alias
 *                                    (ex : for reflexive relation)
protected static function addRelationOneToOne($sourceField, $classRelation, $targetField, $autoGetFields = array(), $aliasRelation = '')

 * Add a OneToMany relation
 * @param $sourceField          - model source field
 * @param $classRelation        - relation model classname
 * @param $targetField          - related model target field
 * @param string $aliasRelation - override relation auto naming className with an alias
protected static function addRelationOneToMany($sourceField, $classRelation, $targetField, $aliasRelation = '')

 * Add a ManyToMany relation
 * @param $sourceField           - model source field
 * @param $classRelation         - relation model name
 * @param $targetField           - related model field
 * @param $relationTable         - mysql table containing the two models ID
 * @param string $aliasRelation  - override relation auto naming className
protected static function addRelationManyToMany($sourceField, $classRelation, $targetField, $relationTable, $aliasRelation = '')

Using relation

This example will use the following MySQL schema

CREATE TABLE `brands` (
	`idBrand` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
	`nameBrand` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
	`noteBrand` float DEFAULT 0,
PRIMARY KEY (`idBrand`)

CREATE TABLE  `cars` (
	`idBrand` INT NOT NULL,
	`nameCar` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE `car_have_tag` (
	`idCar` INT NOT NULL,
	`idTag` INT NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`idCar`,`idTag`)

	`libTag` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL

First you have to declare your 3 models and their relations

class Brand extends Model
	protected static $_tableName = 'brands';
	protected static $_primaryKey = "idBrand";
	protected static $_relations = array();

	protected static $_tableFields = array(

	public $idBrand;
	public $nameBrand;
	public $noteBrand;

	protected static function defineRelations()
		// create a relation between Brand and Car
		// based on this.idBrand = Car.idBrand
		self::addRelationOneToMany('idBrand', 'Car', 'idBrand');

class Car extends Model
	protected static $_tableName = 'cars';
	protected static $_primaryKey = "idCar";
	protected static $_relations = array();

	protected static $_tableFields = array(

	public $idCar;
	public $idBrand;
	public $nameCar = '';

	protected static function defineRelations()
		// create a relation between Car and Brand
		// based on this.idBrand = Brand.idBrand
		// nameBrand is added to autoget fields which is automatically fetched
		// when model is loaded
		self::addRelationOneToOne('idBrand', 'Brand', 'idBrand', 'nameBrand');

		// create a relation between Car and Tag using a relation table car_have_tag

class Tag extends Model
	protected static $_tableName = 'tags';
	protected static $_primaryKey = "idTag";
	protected static $_relations = array();

	protected static $_tableFields = array(

	public $idTag;
	public $libTag = '';

	protected static function defineRelations()
		// create a relation between Tag and Car using a relation table car_have_tag

Now you can start to create and manipulates related models

// creating a brand
    $brand = new Brand();
    $brand -> nameBrand = "Peugeot";
    $brand -> save();

// creating a car
    $car = new Car();
    $car -> nameCar = "205 GTi";

// setting car's brand
    $car -> setBrand($brand);

// other way to setting car's brand
    $car -> idBrand = $brand -> idBrand;
    $car -> save();

// if we look for our car
    $car = Car :: findOne(array('nameCar' => '205 GTi'));
// we can get brand of the car
    $car -> getBrand();

// or we can access brand name directly because it has been added to relation auto get fields
    $car -> nameBrand;

As you declare a one to many relation from Brand to Car you can also using setter and getter on the other side

// get all cars from brand
// method return instance of \PicORM\Collection
    foreach($brand -> getCar() as $cars)

// get all cars from brand with custom criteria
// parameters are same as find() method
// method return instance of \PicORM\Collection
    $brand -> getCar($where,$order,$limitStart,$limitStop);

Many to many relations are easy to use too

// creating some tags
    $tag = new Tag();
    $tag -> libTag = 'tag 1';
    $tag -> save();

    $tag2 = new Tag();
    $tag2 -> libTag = 'tag 2';
    $tag2 -> save();

    $tag3 = new Tag();
    $tag3 -> libTag = 'tag 3';
    $tag3 -> save();

// setting car's tags
    $car -> setTag(array($tag,$tag2,$tag3));

// getting car's tags (return instance of \PicORM\Collection)
    $car -> getTag();

// getting car's tags with custom criteria
// parameters are same as find() method
// method return instance of \PicORM\Collection
    $car -> getTag($where,$order,$limitStart,$limitStop);

// unset relation between $car and $tag2
    $car -> unsetTag($tag2);



  • Initial release


  • Bug fixes
  • Add namespace support and pdo fetch mode selection
  • Add transaction support

BETA 0.0.3

  • Bug fixes
  • Refactoring MySQL
  • Collections
  • Tests

BETA 0.0.4

  • Refactoring Entity to Model
  • QueryBuilder : SQL hint and FoundRows
  • Collection pagination
  • Tests

BETA 0.0.5

  • Customize collection query builder
  • Moving from SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS to count(*)
  • Fix bug with relation alias name and caps
  • Fix bug in relation getter with LIMIT clause
  • Fix bug with no where / order / limit in many to many getter
  • Refactoring Code
  • Refactoring PHPDoc
  • Refactoring Tests
  • Adding TravisCI

BETA 0.0.6

  • Adding setter for database and table
  • Bugfix:update query doesnt use tablename getter
  • Bugfix : where value was not prefixed with table name in many to many getter
  • Update readme