
[Deprecated] Use this repository to quickly deploy iNethi on your own computer

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Table of Contents

Download here

Download the Virtual Machine here.


Base Ubuntu Virtual Machine (VM) I built to aid development of docker services to be run on the iNethi network. Find the full iNethi docker environment here and find out more about iNethi here.

Setup and Usage of VM

There are two ways to utilise the VM. You can do both at the same time.

Use VM as Standalone Dev Environment

  1. Download and import the ova into Virtual Box. Find help for that task here. Edit the RAM to meet your requirements and make sure your network settings for the VM (this can be edited through the VirtualBox GUI under network) have a bridged adapter connected to the interface that you use to access the internet
  2. Start the virtual box and login with username: inethi and password: inethi
  3. Check that the docker containers are running via the terminal by running: 'docker ps -a'. This should show you a list of at least 3 containers.
  4. Update the dnsmasq.conf file in the /mnt/data/dnsmasq folder. Edit this using sudo nano /mnt/data/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.conf or some equivalent and change the 6th line of this file to read as follows: address=/inethihome.net/the ip address of your server Where the 'the ip address of your server' is found using ifconfig or some equivalent. Find the ip address of the interface that you are connecting to your local network with on screen and use this ip address. This can be 'eth0', 'eth1', 'en0', etc. depending on what OS you are running. This is a vital step as the build script has disabled the default dns settings of the VM in order for the dnsmasq docker container to bind to port 53.
  5. Restart the dnsmasq docker container
docker restart inethi-dnsmasq
  1. Visit your browser of choice and go to any of the URLs found in the .env file, for example 'splash.inethihome.net' to view the docker container's UI.

Use Host Machine to View Services

  1. Download and import the ova into Virtual Box. Find help for that task here. Edit the RAM to meet your requirements and make sure your network settings for the VM (this can be edited through the VirtualBox GUI under network) have a bridged adapter connected to the interface that you use to access the internet
  2. Start the virtual box and login with username: inethi and password: inethi
  3. Check that the docker containers are running via the terminal by running: 'docker ps -a'. This should show you a list of at least 3 containers.
  4. Update the dnsmasq.conf file in the /mnt/data/dnsmasq folder. Edit this using sudo nano /mnt/data/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.conf or some equivalent and change the 6th line of this file to read as follows: address=/inethihome.net/the ip address of your server Where the 'the ip address of your server' is found using ifconfig or some equivalent. Find the ip address of the interface that you are connecting to your local network with on screen and use this ip address. This can be 'eth0', 'eth1', 'en0', etc. depending on what OS you are running. This is a vital step as the build script has disabled the default dns settings of the VM in order for the dnsmasq docker container to bind to port 53.
  5. Open your network interface settings and set the DNS to the address noted in step 5. This can be done in various ways. An example is shown in this video.
  6. Ping the IP address noted in step 5. and the URLs from your host machine's terminal to make sure that your DNS entry is working.
  7. Visit your browser of choice and go to 'http://splash.inethihome.net' for example to view the docker container's UI. =======

Use this code with no VM

This build has been tested on both Ubuntu server and desktop. This is the new architecture that iNethi is adopting. Please make use of it. You can either run the master build script to build all the dockers linked to iNethi or you can build individual dockers that you need. Docker and docker compose need to be installed before running the build script.

Clone the repo

git clone https://github.com/keegan337/inethi-vm

Here's a video of a server being set up with step by step instructions, or you can read below. The video uses the master-builder repo which is recommended and will function in the same way as the VM.

This build has been tested on both an Ubuntu server and desktop. This is the new architecture that iNethi is adopting. Please make use of it. You can either run the master build script to build all the dockers linked to iNethi or you can build individual dockers that you need. Docker and docker compose need to be installed before running the build script.

Clone the master-builder repo

  sudo git clone https://github.com/iNethi/master-builder.git

To build the whole system on a server simply run the build script and follow the instructions displayed on screen. The majority of the process is automatic but there is one manual step. Before you run the build script navigate to master-builder/traefik-with-dnsmasq/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.conf and edit the 6th line of this file to read as follows: address=/inethihome.net/the ip address of your server Where the 'the ip address of your server' is found using ip a or some equivalent. Find the ip address of the interface that you are connecting to your local network with on screen and use this ip address. This can be 'eth0', 'eth1', 'en0', etc. depending on what OS you are running. This is a vital step as the build script will disable your current dns settings on your device in order for the dnsmasq docker container to bind to port 53. If your system fails to resolve requests following this you may be having errors with the dns servers used by the docker container. These can be changed in the dnsmasq.conf file that has been moved to the /mnt/data/dnsmasq folder. Edit this using sudo nano /mnt/data/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.conf or some equivalent.

Once you have chosen the containers you want to start the build script will create a docker bridge network, download the trafik and dnsmasq docker files and then disable your current dns settings so that the dnsmasq and traefik docker containers can be set up correctly. Following this the rest of the containers will be built.

The build script can be starting by running:

sudo ./traefik_build_all.sh

Note root privileges will be necessary.


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