
A Twitter Archive thing

Primary LanguagePHP


Import your Twitter Archive into a SQLite database and then do stuff with it.


  • PHP 5.3 or newer
  • SQLite PHP Extension
  • Linux of some description
  • Composer



  1. Download the tarball
  2. Extract it with tar xzf twarch-0.0.2.tgz
  3. cd into the newly created directory


  1. Clone the repo with git clone git://github.com/TomNomNom/twarch.git
  2. cd into the newly created directory
  3. Run composer install to get the dependencies

Importing your Twitter Archive

  1. Unzip your Twitter Arhive somewhere. In this example, mine is extracted into a directory called 'tweets':

    ▶ unzip tweets.zip -d tweets
  2. Create an empty DB using the createdb mode:

    ▶ php twarch.php createdb
    Successfully created DB
  3. Import your Tweets from the JS files in the archive by using the import mode:

    ▶ php twarch.php import tweets/data/js/tweets/*.js
    Removing old Tweets...
    Importing Tweets from [tweets/data/js/tweets/2008_11.js]
    Importing Tweets from [tweets/data/js/tweets/2008_12.js]
    Importing Tweets from [tweets/data/js/tweets/2013_01.js]
    Importing Tweets from [tweets/data/js/tweets/2013_02.js]
    Imported 15027 Tweets
  4. Do stuff with your data!

Stuff to do with your data

You can search for something:

▶ php twarch.php find "Java is weird"
| Id         | Created                  | Text                                                       |
| 1023688023 | 2008-11-26T00:42:07+0000 | Done the 'hello, world' thing on the G1 now. Java is weird |

List all of your Tweets:

▶ php twarch.php all
| Id                 | Created                  | Text                                                                                                                                         |
| 1010488898         | 2008-11-18T00:34:32+0000 | At 15 of 80gb. Data recovery sucks.                                                                                                          |
| 1010523359         | 2008-11-18T01:02:23+0000 | "Time for bed", said Zebedee... "Piss off, you springy bastard", said Florence                                                               |
| 305969208901115904 | 2013-02-25T09:15:18+0000 | @ghalfacree dead easy to do. I reckon you could manage it :)                                                                                 |

Get a list of words and how often you used them:

▶ php twarch.php uniquewords --min-count=500 --min-word-length=6
| Word        | Count |
| @lingmops   | 1471  |
| @ghalfacree | 862   |
| @scawp      | 817   |
| @johnmclear | 621   |

Get a total word count and other stats about your Tweets:

▶ php twarch.php stats
Tweets: 15211
Total words: 211827
Words per Tweet: 14
Total characters: 1250269
Characters per Tweet: 82

Get a list of who you've mentioned and how often:

▶ php twarch.php mentions
| Handle                   | Count |
| @lingmops                | 1490  |
| @ghalfacree              | 871   |
| @scawp                   | 822   |
| @johnmclear              | 624   |

See which hashtags you've used and how often:

▶ php twarch.php hashtags
| Hashtag                                                                 | Count |
| #songsincode                                                            | 17    |
| #joke                                                                   | 1     |

Find out what time of day you Tweet the most:

▶ php twarch.php timeofday
| Hour | Count |
| 00   | 218   |
| 01   | 80    |
| 22   | 552   |
| 23   | 317   |

Which day of the week you Tweet the most:

▶ php twarch.php dayofweek
| Day | Count |
| Mon | 2316  |
| Sun | 1333  |

Or which day of the month:

▶ php twarch.php dayofmonth
| Day | Count |
| 01  | 515   |
| 02  | 548   |
| 30  | 368   |
| 31  | 249   |

Or even which month of the year:

▶ php twarch.php monthofyear
| Month | Count |
| Jan   | 1586  |
| Feb   | 1598  |
| Nov   | 1267  |
| Dec   | 1232  |

You can see how much you've Tweeted over time (with year, month or day resolution):

▶ php twarch.php trend --resolution=year
| Year | Count |
| 2008 | 42    |
| 2009 | 1510  |
| 2012 | 5617  |
| 2013 | 864   |

Updating your data

You can update your data via HTTP with the sync mode:

▶ php twarch.php sync tomnomnom
Last Tweet had ID [305359084289396736]
Importing Tweet with ID [305379759108530177]
Imported 1 Tweets

Coming soon

  • Possibly a Phar version
  • Other, interesting, modes to do more stuff with your data