TaskMaster App is a simple iOS application built with Objective-C that allows users to manage tasks using Core Data.
- Add new tasks with title and description
- Mark tasks as completed
- Edit existing tasks
- Delete tasks
- Persistent storage using Core Data
To run the Task List App locally, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
- Open the project in Xcode:
cd task-list-app
open TaskListApp.xcodeproj
- Build and run the app using Xcode.
- Launch the app on your iOS device or simulator.
- View your existing tasks on the main screen.
- Tap the "+" button to add a new task.
- Tap on a task to mark it as completed.
- Swipe left on a task to edit or delete it.
Contributions are welcome! If you find any bugs or have suggestions for new features, please open an issue or submit a pull request.