
Google-Books-iOS-Browser is a project build as a technical task.


An iOS books app to fetch books connected to google books API with some cool features. It's an iOS app that shows books to the user based on the user's search with the ability to save books from last search.

Getting started

To run the project, clone the project and run the following commands:

cd "The path to the project on your machine"
pod install


  • Search screen with search bar for the user to search for his favorite book.
  • List the result books for the user in the Main and Search screens.
  • Detailed cell to show the name and the thumbnail of the book in a good looking border.
  • MVVM architecture using RxSwift and RxCocoa with Clean Code principles.
  • Supporting iOS 15.5 and newer.
  • Supporting all of the iPhone devices in the Portrait mode.
  • Unit test for the ViewModel components of the app.


  • Alamofire: Used for all of the heavy work of networking in the app.
  • Kingfisher: Used for fetching images for the books, totally built on Alamofire.
  • RxSwift: Used as a Reactive wrapper for the app.
  • RxCocoa: The Reactive library for UIKit.
  • RealmSwift: Used for saving and persisting the books for the user.