A gem which can gen cocoapods project.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'cocoapods-project-gen'
And then execute:
# bundle install
$ bundle install
Or install it yourself as:
# gem install
$ gem install cocoapods-project-gen
To begin gen an cocoapods project by opening an podpsec dir, and to your command line with:
xcframework gen
xcframework gen --output-dir=<xcframework output dir>
xcframework gen --output-dir=<xcframework output dir> **.podspec
To begin gen an cocoapods project start by create an ProjectGenerator
podspecs = [**.podspec]
ProjectGen::Command.run(['gen', "--output-dir=#{File.expand_path('./Resources/output', __dir__)}", *podspecs])
or to build for xcframework use this way:
require 'cocoapods-project-gen'
product_type = :dynamic_framework
use_module = true
external_podspecs = []
swift_version = '4.2'
configuration = :release
output_dir = <output dir>
generator = ProjectGen::ProjectGenerator.new(include_podspecs.first, @sources, @platforms)
generator.local = false
generator.no_clean = false
generator.allow_warnings = true
generator.only_subspec = %w[AFNetworking/UIKit AFNetworking/Reachability]
generator.use_frameworks = product_type == :dynamic_framework
generator.use_static_frameworks = product_type == :framework
generator.use_modular_headers = use_module
generator.external_podspecs = external_podspecs.drop(1)
generator.swift_version = swift_version
generator.configuration = configuration
# xcframework gen
xc_gen = ProjectGen::XcframeworkGen.new(generator)
xc_gen.generate_xcframework(output_dir, build_library_for_distribution: true)
local or no local:
require 'cocoapods-project-gen'
podspecs = Pathname.glob(File.expand_path('./Resources/Specs', __dir__) + '/*.podspec{.json,}')
local_podspecs = Pathname.glob(File.expand_path('./Resources/Specs/local/**', __dir__) + '/*.podspec{.json,}').join(',')
no_local_podspecs = Pathname.glob(File.expand_path('./Resources/Specs/no_local/', __dir__) + '**/*.podspec{.json,}').join(',')
out_put = File.expand_path('./Resources/output', __dir__)
vs = ProjectGen::Command.run(['gen', '--use-libraries', '--build-library-for-distribution', '--sources=https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git', *podspecs, "--include-podspecs=#{local_podspecs}", "--external-podspecs=#{no_local_podspecs}", "--output-dir=#{out_put}"])
other options:
['--no-build', 'Is or is not to build xcframework'],
['--build-library-for-distribution', ' Enables BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION'],
['--use-latest', 'When multiple dependencies with different sources, use latest.'],
['--local', 'podpsecs is local or not'],
['--output-dir=/project/dir/', 'Gen output dir'],
['--allow-warnings', 'Gen even if warnings are present'],
['--subspecs=NAME/NAME', 'Gen only the given subspecs'],
['--no-clean', 'Gen leaves the build directory intact for inspection'],
['--use-libraries', 'Gen uses static libraries to install the spec'],
['--use-modular-headers', 'Gen uses modular headers during installation'],
['--use-static-frameworks', 'Gen uses static frameworks during installation'],
["--sources=#{Pod::TrunkSource::TRUNK_REPO_URL}", 'The sources from which to pull dependent pods ' \
"(defaults to #{Pod::TrunkSource::TRUNK_REPO_URL}). Multiple sources must be comma-delimited"],
['--platforms=ios,macos', 'Gen against specific platforms (defaults to all platforms supported by the ' \
'podspec). Multiple platforms must be comma-delimited'],
['--swift-version=VERSION', 'The `SWIFT_VERSION` that should be used to gen the spec. ' \
'This takes precedence over the Swift versions specified by the spec or a `.swift-version` file'],
['--include-podspecs=**/*.podspec', 'Additional ancillary podspecs which are used for gening via :path'],
['--external-podspecs=**/*.podspec', 'Additional ancillary podspecs which are used for gening '\
'via :podspec. If there are --include-podspecs, then these are removed from them'],
['--configuration=CONFIGURATION', 'Build using the given configuration (defaults to Release)']
Installing the cocoapods-project-gen
gem will also install one command-line tool xcframework gen
which you can use to generate xcframework from podspec.
For more information consult
xcframework --help
xcframework gen --help
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at cocoapods-project-gen. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
Everyone interacting in the yaml-vfs project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.