
Schema (.xsd) generator for Roku SceneGraph projects

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

SceneGraph Schema Node.js CI

A schema generator for SceneGraph xml projects

What you get from a schema

  • a project specific .xsd schema file
  • validation on scenegraph component xml files
  • extends completion, including base components
  • component tag completion, including components in <children> tag
  • field attribute completion



npm install scenegraph-schema
scenegraph-schema [options]
sgschema [options]

From Source

  1. clone this repository
  2. run npm run compile
  3. run npm link
  4. use the sgschema or scenegraph-schema commands


    scenegraph-schema [options]
    sgschema [options]

    -c, --components DIR,DIR      comma separated list of component directories, default: components
    -s, --scripts DIR,DIR         comma separated list of script directories, default: components,source
    -o, --output FILENAME         filename for output, defaults do {dirName}.xsd
    -w, --watch                   watch all directories for changes, experimental
    -r, --root                    root directory for project files, used to create package paths
    -d, --defineScripts           turn on script.uri attribute enumeration, will limit script.uri to
                                    brs files detected in the project, and support autocomplete
    -h, --help                    this thing
    -v, --version                 version duh

VScode Setup

  1. install the RedHat vscode extension: redhat.vscode-xml
  2. update settings.json with:
 "xml.fileAssociations": [
         "pattern": "**/*.xml",
         "systemId": "./app.xsd"
  1. (optional) replace systemId with your output file name