
Virtual NES Emulator for the #MobileWeb - But (soon to be) easily customizable!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

virtualNES (Customizable* NES for mobile phones)

I decided since I was playing around with NES games, to make them work on my phone. It is based off of koenkivit's New ECMA Script Nintendo Entertainment System emulator (NESNes for short).

Please make themes and send them to me (a controller png is enough, just draw a cutout for game's <canvas>)


  • Make it work with bluetooth controllers (I will need testers)
  • Modes (Virtual Reality mode, and then Vertical Mode)
  • Fix bugs with disconnected WiFi or bluetooth
  • More?

Look at the 'default.vt' (default visual theme) folder as a template - and to make yours a repo (so it can be added once I add repo functionality) - make a file 'visualtheme.json' in the root of your domain (so if it was example.com/visualtheme.json, the repo would be example.com) that links to your theme, so mine would be: {"name": "iPhoneGuy1101's Repo", themes: ['default.vt']}

Send me a png idea and I will convert it when I get time (weekends)

*Customizable) Themes are not added yet, wait until either Saturday (tomorrow, 6.1.2018) or Sunday (7.1.2018).