
Boilerplate for Docker with Django, Gunicorn, Nginx, and PostgreSQL

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Django Docker

1. Create executable build_dev.sh

Copy build_dev_example.sh to build_dev.sh.

Edit the build_dev.sh file and add sensible values there.

Add execution permissions:

$ chmod +x build_dev.sh

2. Build the Docker containers

Run build_dev.sh:

$ ./build_dev.sh

3. Check if the build was successful

If you now go to you should see a "Hello, World!" page there.

If you now go to, you should see

OperationalError at /admin/
FATAL:  role "myproject" does not exist

This means that you have to create the database user and the database in the Docker container.

4. Create database user and project database

SSH into the database container and create user and database there with the same values as in the .build_dev.sh script:

$ docker exec -it django_docker_db_1 bash
/# su - postgres
/$ createuser --createdb --password myproject
/$ createdb --username myproject myproject

When asked, enter the same password for the database as in the build_dev.sh script.

Press [Ctrl + D] twice to logout of the postgres user and Docker container.

If you now go to, you should see

ProgrammingError at /admin/
relation "django_session" does not exist
LINE 1: ...ession_data", "django_session"."expire_date" FROM "django_se...

This means that you have to run migrations to create database schema.

5. Run migration and collectstatic commands

SSH into the gunicorn container and run the necessary Django management commands:

$ docker exec -it django_docker_gunicorn_1 bash
$ source env/bin/activate
(env)$ python manage.py migrate
(env)$ python manage.py collectstatic
(env)$ python manage.py createsuperuser

Answer all the questions asked by the management commands.

Press [Ctrl + D] twice to logout of the Docker container.

If you now go to, you should see the Django administration where you can login with the super user's credentials that you have just created.

6. Overview of useful commands

Rebuild docker containers

$ docker-compose down
$ ./build_dev.sh

SSH to the Docker containers

$ docker exec -it django_docker_gunicorn_1 bash
$ docker exec -it django_docker_nginx_1 bash
$ docker exec -it django_docker_db_1 bash

View logs

$ docker-compose logs nginx
$ docker-compose logs gunicorn
$ docker-compose logs db

Copy files and directories to and from Docker container

$ docker cp ~/avatar.png django_docker_gunicorn_1:/home/myproject/media/
$ docker cp django_docker_gunicorn_1:/home/myproject/media ~/Desktop/

7. Create analogous scripts for staging, production, and test environments

Copy build_dev.sh to build_staging.sh, build_production.sh, and build_test.sh and change the environment variables analogously.

8. Feedback

If you have any feedback about the boilerplate code or this README file, please open new issues.