By default with the simulator
There are keys included in this project by default but if you want to generate your own keys, you can execute
Make sure to copy the keys into
, because those have to be hardcoded.
$java -cp smartcard.jar be.msec.certificates.GeneratorMain
Launch timestamp/
It will start a SSL Socket server with the key store TIME_keys.jks
After launch, it will sequentially accept new connections until terminated.
$java -cp smartcard.jar be.msec.timestamp.Main
The service provider has two operation modes:
- Remote mode: This uses an AMQP-connection to stream all events to a dashboard.
- Headless Mode: This simply prints out all received information, however identity info is unreadable. Also, there is no option to select another service provider.
Headless mode is used by default, if there is no connection to an AMQP-server available. Simply run
To start in remote mode, an AMQP-server needs to be present on port 5672
(default). To quickly start, the following dockerfile creates a rabbitMQ image with all the necessary components.
it is also available as file in src/main/js
FROM rabbitmq
RUN rabbitmq-plugins enable --offline rabbitmq_management
RUN rabbitmq-plugins enable --offline rabbitmq_stomp
RUN rabbitmq-plugins enable --offline rabbitmq_web_stomp
RUN rabbitmq-plugins enable --offline rabbitmq_amqp1_0
EXPOSE 15671 15672 15674 61613
finally run it with:
docker run -p 1883:1883 -p 15671:15671 -p 15672:15672 -p 15674:15674 -p 5672:5672 -p 8883:8883 -p 61613:61613 rmq
After this, you can start
and open index.html
as a regular file in your favorite browser. Not like some other smart card services which require some version of some ancient browser.
Or from a jar:
$java -cp smartcard.jar be.msec.SP.ServiceProvider
Finally you can launch the middleware by calling
Or from a jar:
$java -cp smartcard.jar be.msec.Main
- Download
(be sure to get the latest version)- The only supported Java version for all SDK targets is 1.8!
- Check the path in your
<taskdef name="javacard" classname="pro.javacard.ant.JavaCard" classpath="ant-javacard.jar"/>
- Now you can create applets within your Ant targets like this:
<cap jckit="/path/to/jckit_dir" aid="0102030405" output="MyApplet.cap" sources="src/myapplet">
<applet class="myapplet.MyApplet" aid="0102030405060708"/>
(which results in output similar to this)
[cap] INFO: using JavaCard v2.2.2 SDK in ../jc222_kit
[cap] Setting package name to testapplets
[cap] Building CAP with 1 applet from package testapplets
[cap] testapplets.Empty 0102030405060708
[compile] Compiling 1 source file to /var/folders/l7/h99c5w6j0y1b8_qbsth_9v4r0000gn/T/antjc4506897175807383834
[cap] CAP saved to /Users/martin/projects/ant-javacard/Empty222.cap
- Cross-platform Javacard Ant task