PP3: Python Essentials: a CLI/TUI application to allow users to manage the dataset of the Project P3 Criteria: Load a Table, Find a Record and Modify Notes and ToDo Status, and update a Definition of Done. This is a first-time, starter python project, as a Neurodiverse software engineer and creative..
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The Save/Commit Function - 3 Methods/Designs: NO writing to Remoteworksheet.update([dataframe.columns.values.tolist()] + dataframe.values.tolist())
#44 opened by iPoetDev - 0
Click.option: --axis
#38 opened by iPoetDev - 2
TypeError: DataFrameContext.__init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'dataframe'
#12 opened by iPoetDev - 0
[TUTOR]: [ISSUE]: Sample For Readme
#33 opened by iPoetDev - 0
SUBMISSION BLOCK: 'Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response'
#32 opened by iPoetDev - 5
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TypeError: get_gsdf: Line 185, Controller.py
#9 opened by iPoetDev - 4
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Issue: TypeError: Attempted to convert a callback into a command twice. Ln: 283
#10 opened by iPoetDev - 0
Solved: A memory leak ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback and controller.py:518: ResourceWarning: unclosed
#11 opened by iPoetDev