
Visualizer for robot reachability and base placement maps (based on reuleaux)

Primary LanguageC++

Reachability map visualizer

ROS package for visualizing a robot's reachability and base placement maps

Loading a map and running the visualization

  • Build this package in your ROS workspace and source the devel/setup.bash file

  • Load the reachability/base_placement map by running (for example)

    rosrun reachability_map_visualizer load_reachability_map $(rospack find reachability_map_visualizer)/maps/3D_reachability_map_arm_left_tool_link_0.05_2022.h5
  • Run rviz and in the 'Displays' panel click on 'Add'. Choose 'By display type' and select the ReachabilityMap option under the 'reachability_map_visualizer' folder. To run our example rviz config, use:

    rosrun rviz rviz -d $(rospack find reachability_map_visualizer)/rviz/reachability_map.rviz
  • You can play with the visualization settings in Rviz:

  • The voxel coloring scheme can be changed by editing the "ReachMapVisual::setColorSpherebyRI" function in the "reachability_map_visual "file. By default, dark blue denotes the highest reachability while red denotes the lowest.


[1] S. Jauhri, J. Peters and G. Chalvatzaki, "Robot Learning of Mobile Manipulation With Reachability Behavior Priors", https://doi.org/10.1109/LRA.2022.3188109