

  1. Docker image:

    $ docker run -d -it --rm --network my_network
    -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672
    --name rabbitmq
    rabbitmq:management This command has no security for the web console Secured Docker broker image:

    $ docker run -d -it --rm --network my_network
    -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672
    --name rabbitmq

Type of exhange of this broker

  1. Fanout(No routing)
  2. Direct(Routing match)
  3. Topic(Routing Pattern Match)
  4. Headers(Header match)

NB: By default the broker works as direct routing. Routing is the connection of producer and exchange. Binding checks the relation between exchange and queue, consumer




  1. As Worker:

    -- There could be a scenario where the main server may have some module that can process the image

    -- But the single module can not process images from different users at a time quickly. And the server become boomed

    -- Here we can distribute the processing module in some seperate service. Each service will take an image single time

    -- This process of handling one image processing task for one server will be handled by broker

    -- Request will come to the Main server to process images. Main server will send the request to the Broker

    -- Broker will distribute the task with balanced round robin algorithm among the servers

    -- Additional Features: Need to persist the data and queue even after broker restart



  1. Pub/Sub(Fanout)

    -- This work will required Exchange to introduce

    -- Producer will send the message to the exchange without any routing key

    -- Consumer will subscribe to the exchange with queue and will get all the message

  2. Routing(Direct)-->store different log in different server

    -- Here Producer will send message to the exchange with exchangeName and routing key

    -- Consumer will subscribe exchange with a routing key.

    -- Consumer will get the message only if the routing key matches

  3. Topics:

    -- Producer will send message to the exchange with exchangeName and routing key

    -- Consumer will subscribe exchange with a routing key and a topic