##########################.....Element Contains In These Project....######################## There are two applications here.
Nev_overlay_route_axios: This application contains the nav bar, overlay nav bar, routing and api implementation with axios. Here we have implemented some optional elements as: video container as banner, image as banner, Quatation, Card view, footer, text view, form element, modal creation, table creation etc.
parent_to_child: Here we can have two different application. One is default way of passing data from parent class to child class. It is explained in the text file attached with the project. Another one is to access the child method from parent component. Also explained in a text file. --It contains "Higher order component" property and "Error boundary" property implemented.
########################....How to use one of these project in your local environment....#################
Create an environment in you local pc: $ pip install virtualenv Create:$ virtualenv env_name Activate: $source env_name/bin/activate(windows don’t use source) Deactivate: $deactivate .......................................... Create : $python -m venv env_name Activate: Go to the env_name/Scripts and write the command $activate Deactivate: $deactivate NB: It is not mendatory to use virtual environment.
Setup Node and NPM
A. For windows we need to just download the nodejs.exe and install it. Remind it to add the path variable of the nodejs in the system environment.
B. For linux we need to follow the following rules: ---sudo apt-get install curl ---curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.35.3/install.sh | bash ---nvm install v12.18.2 ---npm install create-react-app Use these command to install the node and npm at a time. Thus setup for react application is done.
We need to create a directory for the application. and open the directory with VSCode. In the terminal and create a new application: $npx create-react-app app-name $cd app-name $npm start Thus the new app will start in localhost.
We need to replace our code with the new application. For that we need to copy all the files and replace the existing files.
Some extra works need to be done: We need to install some libraries that we are using in our application. But it is not yet installed in the node_module.So we need to do: $npm install --save react-router-dom $npm install axios NB: we need to install the libraries after stoping the npm server. And to clean the port: $sudo fuser -k 3000/tcp