There is no planned release date for the Samaritan Source Code. It's currently in Closed Beta Testing. (Beta 2.0)
Samaritan is a fancy multifunction bot for Discord ( It has first been (badly by me) done (1.0), and is now being remade clearly: 2.0. It supports things like Music, CleverBot implementation, Advanced Command System, etc. In Open Beta.
It's still In Development! Please report bugs!
- Discord API: JDA.
- JDK: 8.
- Build System: Gradle.
On your IDE:
- Git clone the repo.
- Import build.gradle
To run it:
- Download the jar:
- Run it with java -jar.
- Configure
- Run again.
- Clever Bot
- Advanced Command System
- Run Bash from Discord
- Run basic JS code from Discord
- Run brainfuck from discord
- Show GIFs
- Play "Find the Number"
- Leet/Unleet messages.
- Music (still in dev, not working perfectly)
- Print History of messages.
- Advanced Message Quoting system.
- Web interface possible.
- Access Level System for each person on each server the bot is on. This level determinates what command you can do.
- Play Tic Tac Toe against a friend from Discord Chat.
- Tweet something.
- Show Uptime.
- Show user info
- [NEW] Pokémon Go Features (catching Pokémons, showing stats, looting pokéstops, and more!) [!!!]
- Define admin in, can use all commands.
- Use £help to see list of commands.
Samaritan implements CleverBot. To speak with Samaritan:
- Start a private message with the bot.
You surely saw in the config things about Ui. What are those? Samaritan implements a WebSocket server, that you can enable/disable. To work with a web interface made originally by Rodrigo Graça, modified by me to receive the WebSockets. Modified UI Repo:
To install and use that:
- Turn on and configure the WebSocket server in
- Restart Samaritan.
- On your website folder, put somewhere the SamaritanUI folder.
- Configure in samaritan.js the port and the hostname.
- Go on your website.
- Go on discord, and execute that command: £send Hello world !
- "HELLO" -> "WORLD" -> "!" will appear on the web interface.
Sacha "iSach" Lewin |
Free Software, Hell Yeah!