- Academic Year: 2019-2020.
- Submission Limit: 26th of April.
- Author: LEWIN Sacha (S181947)
- Teacher: Bernard Boigelot
- Grade:
The project lost points in the grade because of a lack of OOP concepts around the center class "CompositeFilter". I've commit new changes to improve that afterwards.
A better implementation would be to consider the problem as going through a directed graph. This has not and will not be implemented.
First, you need an input file. Let's consider we have an input file input.wav
Then, you can compile:
javac -d bin -cp audio.jar src/be/isach/filterlib/*/*.java src/be/isach/filterlib/Demo.java
Now, there are two demo modes to run the code:
- Echo:
java -cp bin:audio.jar be.isach.filterlib.Demo input.wav output.wav
- Reverberator:
java -cp bin:audio.jar be.isach.filterlib.Demo Reverb input.wav output.wav
The example
package contains some example files, demonstrating some
implemented filters, and some combinations of them. For example, the cascade
of 3 all-pass filters as it was suggested to implement it.
They can be run similarly to the echo demo mentioned above;
It contains all the basic filters, plus some more complex implementations combining them.
This package contains stuff exclusively implemented for the reverberator bonus. This was separated from the rest for ease of reading for the corrector.
This package contains some utility stuff used for other classes, such as
, used in CompositeFilter.java