
A component for React-Native - rendering HTML code in iOS Applications

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#ParseHTML-React-Native ParseHTML is a component for React-Native. ParseHTML let's you render html code in your iOS Applications.

HTML Tags currently being parsed:

  • <b>
  • <i>

###(This project is still at it's early stage.)


Import ParseHTML using ParseHTML.js

var ParseHTML = require("./ParseHTML");

Use the ParseHTML Component

<ParseHTML code="Place HTML <i>Code</i> here. <b>HELLO WORLD</b>" />

Add or override custom Tags

<ParseHTML code="<p>This will be large.</p> and <code>Orange with a Black background</code>"
                              "<p>": {fontSize: 30},
                              "<code>": [{color: "#FF7F50"}, {backgroundColor: "#000000"}]

For a simple example, checkout ParseHTMLSampleApp in the Examples Folder