
A web-based, flip-book for raster imagery.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status (dev)


The Time Lapse Viewer is a web-based tool, dedicated to producing on-demand imagery flipbooks.



  1. Make directory for OSSIM projects: mkdir OSSIM

  2. cd in and clone dependencies:

git clone https://github.com/ossimlabs/tlv.git
git clone https://github.com/ossimlabs/omar-common.git
git clone https://github.com/ossimlabs/omar-security-plugin.git
  1. Export necessary variables:

    3a. Set path to project directory:

    • export O2_DEV_HOME=<path to project>/OSSIM

    3b. Set application config yaml

    • export SPRING_CONFIG_LOCATION=$O2_DEV_HOME/tlv/apps/tlv-app/config.yml

    3c. Set path to common properties:

    • export OMAR_COMMON_PROPERTIES=$O2_DEV_HOME/omar-common/omar-common-properties.gradle

    3d. Set repository manager:

    • export REPOSITORY_MANAGER_URL=https://nexus.ossim.io/nexus/content/repositories
  2. Navigate in and build:

cd $O2_DEV_HOME/tlv/apps/tlv-app
gradle assemble
  1. Startup with docker-compose
cd $O2_DEV_HOME/tlv/apps/tlv-app
docker-compose up

# if you want to specify individual services (specify -d to run detached)
docker-compose up postgis
docker-compose up tlv
  1. Navigate to http://localhost:8080