
A lightweight plugin library that allows extending your application with the power of plugins!

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This library allows for the creation of plugins to extend your application. Plugins are loaded dynamically at runtime.


The following things are required by plugins:

  • A main file
  • In your mail file, a main plugin class with a name should be suffixed with Plugin (case sensitive) should exist.
  • In your main plugin class, the following class attributes are required:
    • ID: an unique UUID4 string, this is what others will use to interact with your plugin
    • NAME: name of your plugin
    • AUTHOR: Name of author
    • DESCRPTION: A short description of your plugin
    • VERSION: a tuple of 3 ints
    • WEBSITE: This one is optional. Maybe your website, email or anyway to contact you.
  • A free function called init, which takes no arguments should return your main plugin class (Note: not an instance of your main class).

Putting all of this together we get the following:

My file:

- mainfileplugin.py

In mainfileplugin.py:

class MyPluginPlugin:
	ID = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
	NAME = "MyPlugin"
	AUTHOR = "iSplasher"
	DESCRIPTION = "My cool plugin description!"
	VERSION = (1, 0, 0)
	WEBSITE = "https://github.com/iSplasher/pluginpie"

def init():
	return MyPluginPlugin


  • Explain how to create hooks
  • Finish this project...