
The official VR Viewer SDK by iStaging

Primary LanguageJavaScript

VR Viewer

VR Viewer SDK helps you creating a panorama easily on website.


Tutorial: https://medium.com/@istaging_RD/vrmaker-sdk-create-your-virtual-tour-c6b4d796da29

Document: https://evs-doc-test.istaging.com.cn

vreditor-sdk github: https://github.com/iStaging/vreditor-sdk

vrviewer-sdk github: https://github.com/iStaging/vrviewer-sdk

Getting Started

  • First, you need to sign up VR Maker SDK account by contact iStaging mailto:benjamin@staging.com.tw.

  • Then check your nodejs version, we recommend you use the version upper 8.5.0.

How to use

npm install vrviewer-sdk (or use yarn)

Run sample nodejs server, change the panoCollection id you have and start it, that's all.


// Before use vreditor-sdk, you need to have threejs and krpano first.
// go to https://threejs.org/ and https://krpano.com/ to purchase krpano license.

// import vrviewer-sdk js, css.
import 'vrviewer-sdk'
import 'vrviewer-sdk/dist/vrviewer-sdk.css'

  el: '#vrviewer-sdk',
  lang: 'zh-cn',
  panoCollection: fakePanoCollection,
  panoramas: fakePanoramas,
  setting: {
    autoRotateSetting: {
      active: true,
      revert: false,
      rotateDuration: 200000,
      restartTime: 20000
    gyroSetting: {
      active: false
    krpanoSetting: {
      mwheel: true,
      focus: false
    tripodSetting: {
      image: 'https://www.istaging.com/sdk/logo-tripod.png',
      size: 60
    hideUISetting: {
      hideCollectionInfo: false,
      hidePanoramaList: false,
      hideFloorplan: false,
      hideFullscreen: false,
      hideLoading: false,
      hideMarkerInfo: false
    shareSetting: {
      shareUrl: 'https://www.istaging.com/'
// Everything is ready, enjoy.

Use static file by cdn:

  <link href="https://github.com/iStaging/vrviewer-sdk/blob/master/dist/vrviewer-sdk.css" rel="stylesheet"></link>

  <div id="vrviewer-sdk"></div>
  <!-- make sure you have threejs and krpano first. -->
  <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/three.js/71/three.js"></script>
  <script src="krpano.min.js"></script>
  <script src="https://github.com/iStaging/vrviewer-sdk/blob/master/dist/vrviewer-sdk.js"></script>

  el: '#vrviewer-sdk',
  lang: 'zh-cn',
  panoCollection: panoCollection,
  setting: {
    autoRotateSetting: {
      active: true,
      revert: false,
      rotateDuration: 200000,
      restartTime: 20000
    gyroSetting: {
      active: false
    krpanoSetting: {
      mwheel: true,
      focus: false
    tripodSetting: {
      image: 'https://www.istaging.com/sdk/logo-tripod.png',
      size: 60
    hideUISetting: {
      hideCollectionInfo: false,
      hidePanoramaList: false,
      hideFloorplan: false,
      hideFullscreen: false,
      hideLoading: false,
      hideMarkerInfo: false
    shareSetting: {
      shareUrl: 'https://www.istaging.com/'

VR Viewer SDK is easily bind with VR Editor SDK

iStaging VR Viewer is a WebVR solution for developers, you can fetch data from VR Editor, and import data into VR Viewer. Check out node sample server in the exmaples folder to explore what we do it.

npm start

If you want to fork VR Viewer, please go ahead!

VR Viewer is a RWD website, it's split up layout by 768px.

Structure of VR Viewer SDK

Src is our source code, you can modify anything you like.
src/api put some useful js
src/common is put some vue files, like components but it's specific for the project
src/components is vue components, it can use not only vr viewer sdk project
src/images put some images
src/messages is for vue i18n
src/mixins is for vue mixins
src/pages is for vue router, but it's only index page with multiple split vue files
src/store is vuex structure
src/stylesheets is global stylus css


  • Some default value are put over here
  • Some functions for this project
  • Just prevent IE break in some functions
  • Online resources hosted in iStaging website
  • Some functions for global use


  • Floorplan component here
  • For blocking portrait iOS in VR mode
  • The core of VR
  • Collection avatar and name
  • It will show up in the center of the VR Viewer SDK, it is used by marker info, share, information
  • Panoramas list
  • Hovered markers use this component


  • All icon use this component, but you need to add image by yourself
  • This is used for clicked marker popup
  • This is used for icons, but can change its color
  • While loading each panorama, it will appear
  • Just a repeater
  • QR code


  • Component IRepeat use filterBy


  • Get/set some state in the vuex framework


  • Collection info is placed here.
  • Powered by iStaging
  • Including INav component and close full screen or VR mode button

Most of the important components are put here. There has the core of VR display area - krpano. And yet, there has hovered marker info, clicked marker info, share layer, panoramas list, floor plan, instructions (for iOS) and popup.


You can depends on what button you want to add, in small layout menu and in large layout menu. Find it out in the file, there's three menu list in computed object: navMobileOuterList, navMobileInnerList and navPcList. Apparently the naming of these menu list is 2 for mobile view, 1 for desktop view, just add some code like this before the value return:

After you finished modifying, you can run npm run build, then your result will built in dist files! Examples folder is for building your site, but maybe you have no idea how to import the VR viewer SDK. Now you have a great build example in examples folder.

Enjoy it!