Australian Synchrotron Tunnel Bot
- Python 2.7.x
- ZeroMQ 3.2.x
- pyzmq 13.1.0
- Pyserial
- libphidget LATEST (currently
- libusb 1.0-0
- mjpg-streamer experimental
- cherrypy 3.2.x
- Arduino 1.5 -- PS2X by Bill Porter
- supervisor 3.0b2-1
- ROOter Huntsman 2014-01-25red
ipc doesn't seem to be working on this current configuration (except for LCD screen) so motors and IR Sensors using zmq on tcp:// ports: irsensor motors
note: now has the bind command for the motors zmq socket, since it is the service which is always running. If testing run py script with sudo
ssh to odroid. The following command line scripts can be used for some low level control of ass-bot
move <direction> <duration> <speed>
direction: forward (f), back (b), left (l), right (r)
duration: time of movement in seconds
speed: percentage of max speed. From 1 to 100
shaft <direction> <duration>
direction: up (u) or down (d)
duration: time of movement in seconds
camera <direction> <PWM duration>
direction: Pan (p) or tilt (t)
PWM duration: Pulse width from 500 to 2500. Form tilt centre value is 900, for pan centre value is 1500