
Australian Synchrotron Tunnel Bot


  1. Python 2.7.x
  2. ZeroMQ 3.2.x
  3. pyzmq 13.1.0
  4. Pyserial
  5. libphidget LATEST (currently
  6. libusb 1.0-0
  7. mjpg-streamer experimental
  8. cherrypy 3.2.x
  9. Arduino 1.5 -- PS2X by Bill Porter
  10. supervisor 3.0b2-1
  11. ROOter Huntsman 2014-01-25red


ipc doesn't seem to be working on this current configuration (except for LCD screen) so motors and IR Sensors using zmq on tcp:// ports: irsensor motors

note: now has the bind command for the motors zmq socket, since it is the service which is always running. If testing run py script with sudo

###Command Line

ssh to odroid. The following command line scripts can be used for some low level control of ass-bot

move <direction> <duration> <speed>

  • direction: forward (f), back (b), left (l), right (r)

  • duration: time of movement in seconds

  • speed: percentage of max speed. From 1 to 100

shaft <direction> <duration>

  • direction: up (u) or down (d)

  • duration: time of movement in seconds

camera <direction> <PWM duration>

  • direction: Pan (p) or tilt (t)

  • PWM duration: Pulse width from 500 to 2500. Form tilt centre value is 900, for pan centre value is 1500