
An authentication backend for the Nginx "ngx_http_auth_request_module" module.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


An authentication backend for the Nginx ngx_http_auth_request_module module.

中文 | Demo, user/password: admin/auth-demo, this user has administrator privileges and can operate at will, and the data will be recovered every hour.


Build from source

# git clone https://github.com/iTraceur/nginx-http-auth.git
# go get ./...
# chmod +x control
# ./control build
# ./control pack


# tar -zxvf nginx-http-auth-0.1.0.tar.gz 
# cp conf/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf  # and change it to suit your needs
# mv conf/app.example.conf conf/app.conf  # and change it to suit your needs 
# service nginx reload
# ./control start

Configuration instructions

# Basic configuration
appname = nginx-http-auth  # App name
httpaddr =  # HTTP listening address
httpport = 8080  # HTTP listening port
runmode = dev  # Use "prod" for production environment or "test" for test environment

# Session configuration
sessionname = SessionID  # The name of the cookie that stored on the client
sessiongcmaxlifetime = 86400  # Session expiration time
sessioncookielifetime = 86400  # Cookie expiration time
sessionprovider = redis  # The provider of the session, you can also use memory, file, mysql, etc
sessionproviderconfig = ""  # The provider's path or link address

# XSRF configuration
xsrfkey = 4b6774f328ee1a2f24fcb62842fc0cfc  # XSRF key
xsrfexpire = 86400  # XSRF expiration time

# User authentication provider, local or remote, default local.
authProvider = local

# Whether to enable User-IP binding to restrict the user to login to the application using a specific IP,
# takes effect when the authProvider is configured to local. once enabled, the manage user needs to
# bind the client IP for each user in the user management page, default false.
ipBinding = false

# User remote authentication API, required when the authProvider is configured to remote.
authAPI =

# The users who can access user manager page and control API, default admin.
manageUsers = admin;iTraceur;zhaowencheng

# Clinet IP control configuration
direct =;  # IPs that are allowed to access
deny =  # IPs that are denied to access, This configuration takes precedence over the direct

# Time control configuration
direct = 09:00-21:00  # Time range that are denied to access
deny =  # Time range that are denied to access, This configuration takes precedence over the direct

# User control configuration
allow =    # Users that are allowed to access, This configuration takes precedence over the deny
deny = test;demo  # Users that are denied to access

Nginx configuration

# cp conf/nginx.example.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/nginx-http-auth.conf  # and change it to suit your needs
# service nginx reload


Auth login

auth login

Auth captcha

Captcha is required after login failure.

auth captcha

User list

user lig

Add user

add user

Edit user

edit user

Delete user

delete user