
Go service for importing Google Workspace data into BigQuery

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

BigQuery importer for Google Workspace

Go service for importing data from Google Workspace into BigQuery.


To use the service the following environment variable have to be set:

Variable Name Description
LOGGER_SERVICENAME Will add the ServiceContext to the log with the specified service name.
LOGGER_LEVEL The minimum enabled logging level. Recommended: debug.
LOGGER_DEVELOPMENT If the logger is set to development mode or not. Recommended: false.
WORKSPACECLIENT_APIKEYSECRET The service assumes that the API key will be stored in GCP Secret Manager. This variable must contain the full resource name of the resource that contains the API-KEY. Instructions on how to create an API Key can be found here. The api key must contain the admin.directory.user and admin.directory.group scopes.
WORKSPACECLIENT_JWTCONFIG_SUBJECT The subject should be the email of an account that has privileges to make calls to the Admin API.
BIGQUERYCLIENT_PROJECTID The id of the project where the tables will be created.
JOB_DATASET The name of the dataset where tables should be created.
JOB_ORG The organization the data belongs to.
WORK_DOMAIN The domain (including the suffix) that the data should be fetched from. Ex: example@domain.domainsuffix


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to add and update tests as appropriate.

Contributions should adhere to the Conventional Commits specification.
