
A script to convert comic files (cbr, cbz) to pdf, in python3.

Primary LanguagePython


A script to convert comic files (cbr, cbz) to pdf, in python3.

Getting Started


Install the package using setuptools.

$ python setup.py install


The comic2pdf command should be globally available, pass as arguments the path(s) to the cbr / cbz files and optionally specify an output folder. The output files will be named the same as the input files but with a .pdf extension.

usage: comic2pdf [-h] [-o OUTDIR] [--version] path [path ...]

Converts .cbr and .cbz files to .pdf

positional arguments:
  path                  paths to process

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR
                        directory to place generated files
  -a, --allow-overwrite
                        allow overwriting existing files
  --version             show program's version number and exit

e.g. to process all files in a folder (will ignore any file extensions except .cbr, .cbz, .rar or .zip).

$ comic2pdf *


Requires Python 3.6+.

Production dependencies are listed in setup.py. Development dependencies are listed in requirements.txt.

No install

You can use the package without installing it, simply install dependencies and run the comic2pdf.py script. E.g.

$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python comic2pdf.py -o /dest/folder file.cbr



Development is aided by a Makefile which uses a virtual environment. To setup the virtual environment and install dependencies:

$ make init


To test changes to your script, you can install a development version which links to your source code:

$ python setup.py develop

And this can be uninstalled with

$ python setup.py develop --uninstall

You may also run the script directly, but note that the dependencies are installed into the virtual environment. To enter the virtual environment:

# Windows
$ source .venv/Scripts/activate
# Mac
$ source .venv/bin/activate

Then run the script directly.

(.venv) $ python comic2pdf.py -h

Linting & formatting

This project makes use of the Black python code formatter which automatically reformats code. To run Black and lint the code, use:

$ make lint


  1. Update setup.py with the new version number (e.g. 1.1.1)
  2. Create a new GitHub release (e.g. git tag -a v1.1.1 -m "Version v1.1.1" && git push --tags)
  3. Push to PyPI
$ make deploy

Authors and Acknowledgments