
Primary LanguageJavaScript


split the container if one container content is too long


  1. include the script and css
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/js/split_page.js/split_page.css" />
<script src="/js/split_page.js/split_page.min.js"></script>
  1. split page. for example
let image_split_page = split_page_by_id("image_container", 20);

function split_page_by_id(container_id, item_pre_page = 20);
container_id is the id of the container
item_pre_page is how many items you want to display on each page

you can set the page change listener. for example

image_split_page.on_page_changed = register_lazy_load_for_all_image;


if the container you split is not set id, the split_page.js will generate
an id for it's split page container in order to control it.
if the container you split has an id, the split page container's id
will be "<container_id>_split_page"