- 0
- 0
- 0
- 5
- 2
Popover automatically closes when focus is lost.
#2284 opened by mathieu-fournier - 3
[DataPicker] Allow for passing undefined `startDate`, `endDate` props when `enableRangeSelect` is set to `true`
#2333 opened by Juliakas - 1
- 0
`AutoSuggest` component
#2159 opened by GerardasB - 7
Reordering (drag) functionality in Tree component
#2222 opened by nimam-bentley - 4
Popovers shift elements
#2155 opened by GerardasB - 5
- 1
Table with not editable cells can't be click to select the row in single selection mode
#2130 opened by maxime-lavergne - 3
ExpandableBlock V2 vs. V3 display differences due to change from flex to grid layout
#2144 opened by toddsouthenbentley - 0
Text input in a modal dialog loses focus
#2445 opened by eringram - 1
Tile: Long name without spaces breaks out of bounds
#2383 opened by HaveSpacesuit - 2
Form submits with disabled button
#2398 opened by arome - 5
- 2
- 2
`Tree["nodeRenderer"]` has hidden requirement to forward ref to underlying `TreeNode`
#2357 opened by saskliutas - 1
Tile with `variant="folder"` does not truncate name
#2376 opened by saskliutas - 2
Table regression: Parent shows indeterminate checkbox even if all children are selected
#2382 opened by veekeys - 1
- 1
Small `Tree` size incompatible with virtualization
#2325 opened by HaveSpacesuit - 2
Table: Issue in column order in table.
#2328 opened by Charan-ts - 0
- 1
- 3
Regression with nested popovers
#2291 opened by GerardasB - 4
InputWithDecorations.Input is missing the `not-allowed` cursor in disabled state
#2313 opened by PauliusMin - 4
Combobox / Select inside a Popover
#2245 opened by FelixGirard - 4
Muted Icon Color in SplitButton
#2254 opened by mjkertz - 1
itwinui-react: style.css CSS-SASS function collision when using react-scripts
#2272 opened by AluminumAlman - 1
- 3
- 2
- 1
Issue with dropdown menu when the dropdown trigger is scrolled out of the view
#2235 opened by am-work-1 - 4
- 6
[DropdownMenu] In popout window when hovering for submenu items, main window body gets stuck with `pointer-events: none`
#2180 opened by Juliakas - 7
- 1
Stepper improvements
#2338 opened by jfisher-bentley - 2
Clear button on individual pills/clear all button in multiselect ComboBox
#2215 opened by morgankertz - 5
Context/right-click menu
#2157 opened by GerardasB - 1
Disabled expandable block has broken cursor styling
#2454 opened by tbaliukynas - 2
- 1
”horizontal“ in Tabs component can't work
#2423 opened by 1122334rr - 2
Popover is rendered above the dialog
#2156 opened by GerardasB - 6
Table: Rendering performance degradation in v3
#2444 opened by veekeys - 1
Tile name overlaps with more options icon
#2439 opened by jeanugroho-Bentley - 2
Tree horizontal scroll
#2330 opened by saskliutas - 4
`<ExpandableBlock />` component unreported breaking change when migrating from itwinui-v2 to v3
#2355 opened by anmolshres98 - 0
VSCode Tasks Setup
#2176 opened by r100-stack