
A CLI to bootstrap new projects! 🏗️

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A CLI to bootstrap new projects!

Hyper is a CLI that helps U generate an Advanced Project Template in seconds.


Node.js and npm are required as a peer dependency.


npm install -g @sharksv/hyper
// or
yarn global add @sharksv/hyper


npx @sharksv/hyper <command> [options]

Compile from source

$ git clone https://github.com/iTzSharkSV/Hyper.git
$ cd Hyper
$ npm install    // install project dependencies
$ npm run build  // compile project
$ npm i -g .     // add as a global variable


@example: Help info
$ hyper help

Hyper v3.0 by @Shorky
A CLI to bootstrap new projects!

    $ hyper <commands> [options]

    help          Prints usage-help info
    init          Initialize a new project
    list          List available templates

    -k, --keep           Keep terminal output (off by Default)
    -y, --skip           Generate without prompt
    -i, --install        Install project dependencies
    -v, --version        Prints CLI version (following semver)
@example: Initializing a project
$ hyper init -y
// prompt skipped (-y, --skip)
some magic goes here,
& some here...

The Why?

Why use Hyper-CLI instead of starting-fresh?
  - Faster
  - Easier
  - Up-with Community Standards
  - Besides being Well-Put & Organized
Why not just use a template?

Orignally, starting-fresh or using a template was my-go-2 option, but...
The time wasted looking for a generic, minimalistic yet well-put template
-for every project I wanted to start was a bit too much.
Here aroused the motivation to create `Hyper`.
Hyper is a CLI that helps U bootstrap new projects!

Available Templates

$ hyper list
LANGUAGE          Size(kb)     NAME
(-)               37.5	       Jumpstart
Ts/Sass           41.0         Static-Web
Typescript        40.1         Node Project
Rust-Lang         38.1         Rust Project
Java              -            Java Project (Coming soon)

Sample Project Tree

📦 <Node Project>
├─ .circleci
│  └─ config.yml
├─ .github
│  │  ├─ BUG_REPORT.md
│  ├─ workflows
│  │  └─ CodeQL.yml
├─ .husky
│  └─ pre-commit
├─ Docs
│  └─ SECURITY.md
├─ Src
│  ├─ Modules
│  │  ├─ Something.ts
│  │  └─ Another.ts
│  └─ index.ts
├─ Tests
│  └─ Unit.test.ts
├─ .gitignore
├─ .eslintrc    # Available within package.json
├─ .prettierrc  # Available within package.json
├─ Dockerfile
├─ README.md
├─ package.json
├─ tsconfig.json


# Copyright 2021 @SharkSV
# License Identifier: MIT