A Cordova wrapper around the Tencent QQ SDK for Android and iOS. Provides access to QQ ssoLogin, QQ Sharing, QQZone Sharing etc.
- 21paradox
- 286810JD
- angusshireUC Berkeley
- cheftQFang
- coffee4codeHobbees
- crossmo
- cyokvip
- enimoBaidu Inc
- fzredShenzhen
- gerow-x
- haoao
- hcxiongHI :)
- iourtiourt
- izhiliangworld
- jackyonGuangZhou
- Jeff-Tian@LEGO
- jianboElmo
- jianganglu杭州-浙江
- josephlawCrowdComing Limited
- justintseng
- LeiSuCNShenZhen
- liuwei0514
- ljkfgh2008
- ryanlin1986Hangzhou,Zhejiang,China
- shisanZhengzhou,China
- shoskyChina Shenzhen
- solderzzc
- spaceoi
- terevor
- ThomasLiubelloai.com
- thorlove
- wowgeekerfreelancer
- xiaohui-zhangxhTanmer Inc.
- zhangvHahacking.com
- zhujianfeng
- zhuxianchen