
Web development bootcamp course on Udemy by Dr. Angela Yu

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


Web development bootcamp course on Udemy by Dr. Angela Yu

Useful Links

Notes on HTML

Short cut for writing the HTML boilerplate
- Open a blank HTML file like "index.html"
- ! and enter on first selection
- boiler plate code is written for your page
Commonly Useful tags
  • <html>: Defines the root element of an HTML document. Syntax: <html>...</html> Output: N/A (This is the top-level element and does not render any visible content.)

  • <head>: Contains metadata about the HTML document. Syntax: <head>...</head> Output: N/A (The content inside the <head> tag is not visible in the browser.)

  • <title>: Specifies the title of the HTML document, displayed in the browser's title bar or tab. Syntax: <title>Page Title</title> Output: N/A (The title appears in the browser's title bar or tab.)

  • <body>: Represents the main content of an HTML document. Syntax: <body>...</body> Output: N/A (The content inside the <body> tag is displayed in the browser.)

  • <h1> to <h6>: Defines headings of different levels (from highest to lowest importance). Syntax: <h1>Heading</h1> to <h6>Heading</h6> Output: Heading (The text appears as a heading with varying sizes.)

  • <p>: Represents a paragraph of text. Syntax: <p>Paragraph Text</p> Output: Paragraph Text (The text appears as a block of paragraph.)

  • <a>: Creates a hyperlink to another web page or resource. Syntax: [Link Text](https://example.com) Output: Link Text (The text appears as a clickable link.)

  • <img>: Embeds an image into the HTML document. Syntax: ![Image Description](image.jpg) Output: N/A (The image specified by the src attribute is displayed.)

  • <ul>: Defines an unordered list. Syntax:

  • <div>: Represents a division or section of the HTML document. Syntax:


    Output: N/A (The content inside the <div> tag is treated as a separate block.)

Notes on CSS

  • A complete CSS Guide
  • Colours:
  • Fonts:
  • Chrome Developer Tools: Ctrl + Shift + I or
    • Open chrome
    • : (Three dots) on the side
    • More Tools
    • Developer Tools
  • The CSS Box Model
    • margin:
    • border: "border: 30px solid black"
    • padding:
    • create a box with with and contect with the following: "
    • "Pesticide for Chrome" is a chrome extension for development and understanding divs and alignment
    • 6.4-Motivation-Meme-Project: is a good project to align things in the center for a website using percentages.
  • In Cascade styling in CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) - Ref. Section 7
    • Cascading hierarchy is based on the following 4 things:
      1. Position: Lower position styling overwrites the higher
      2. Specificity: ID selector > attribute selector > class selector > element
      3. Type:
        • External styling
        • Internal styling
        • Inline styling (usually applied at an element level, it overwrites higher level of styling)
      4. Importance
        • "color: red;"
        • "color: green !important;"

Notes on JavaScript

Java : Javascript :: car : carpet

Notes on Node.JS & Express (section 22 to 24)

Node vs Express

  • We need a Framework for backend.
  • Most popular one is Node.js
  • However, Node.js is not a framework, it is a runtime environment.
  • Hence it allows us to run javascript on the computer instead of browser
  • Express is a framework that allows us to create backend for our website

Install node.js

Install Node.JS packages NPM Library

  • go to npm library -> https://www.npmjs.com/

  • explore sillyname package -> https://www.npmjs.com/package/sillyname

  • Steps

    • Go to the respected folder
      cd "Path"
    • Initialize npm
      npm init
    • Create Lisence Json
      Fill out the Json values (you can keep all the values as default)
    • install the package sillyname

    npm install sillyname
    npm i sillyname other-names

    • Note that package.json and package-lock.json are created
  • Short cut

    • Go to the path in terminal
    • npn init -y
    • npm i sillyname
    • Update package.json with "type" : "module",

CJS to ESM for node > v12

Notes on Express (Section 24)

Check all port statues:

  • Windows
    netstat -a
    netstat -ano | findstr "LISTENING'
  • Mac/Linux
    sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN

Http Vocab:

  • GET: Retrieves data from a specified resource without modifying it.
  • POST: Sends data to a server to create a new resource or process a data
  • PUT: Replaces all current representations of the target resource with the request payload.
  • PATCH: Partially modifies the target resource with specified changes.
  • DELETE: Removes the specified resource from the server.

Tips for autostart:

  • nodemon autumatically restarts the server when it detects that there are any changes to the code
  • just use "nodemon" instead of "node", when you are starting the server
  • install nodemon globally
    npm install -g nodemon

HTTP Response Status Codes HTTP response status codes indicate whether a specific HTTP request has been successfully completed. Responses are grouped in five classes:

  1. Informational responses ( 108 - 199 )
  2. Successful responses ( 200 - 299)
    • 200 OK
    • 201 Create
  3. Redirection messages ( 300 - 399 )
  4. Client error responses ( 400 - 499 )
    • 404 Not Found
  5. Server error responses ( 500 - 599) The status codes listed below are defined by RFC 9110 2. Ref -> https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status

There are 4 types of MiddleWare

  • Pre-processing (eg. body-parser)
  • Logging (eg. morgan)
  • Error handling
  • Authentication