Newspaper Reporting Tool

This tool analysis a database with over 12 million row and provides a set of usable results.

Getting Started

Following these instuctions will get you the Newspapwer Reporting Tool up and running.

Coding Style



  1. Install VirtualBox
    You can download it from here (Linux, Windows, OSX )

  2. Install Vagrant
    You can Download it from here (Linux, Windows, OSX)
    to check if vagrant is succeffully installed, please run
    $ vagrant --versoin from the command line

  3. Download VM Configurations
    $ git clone # clone git repository

  4. Download Reporting Tool Projct ( THIS )
    $ git clone
    move folder 'Reporting Tool' into ' the cloned folder 'vagrant' - step 4 -

  5. Download the News Database
    You can find it here
    unzip the file and move content to the cloned folder 'vagrant' - step 4 -

  6. Run Vagrant Instance and SSH to it

$ cd vagrant # cd to the cloned project folder  
$ vagrant up # wait until finished, it might take more that few minitus  
$ vagrant ssh # ssh to the already configured vm  
$ cd /vagrant  
  1. Import News Database Into Postgresql Server
$ psql -d news -f newsdata.sql # create tables and import data from newsdata.sql to news db  
  1. Create Used Views Using Psql Shell
$ psql news # access news db from psql interactive shell  
$ CREATE VIEW most_popular_articles as select articles.title, sum(stats.hits) from articles,  
        (select substr(log.path,10,50) as article_name, count(*) as hits from log  
        where path like '/article/%' group by path order by hits DESC) as stats  
    where articles.slug = stats.article_name group by articles.title  
    order by sum DESC LIMIT 3;  
$ CREATE VIEW most_popular_authors as select, top_authors.sum from authors,  
        (select, sum(stats.hits) from articles,  
            (select substr(log.path,10,50) as article_name,  
            count(*) as hits from log where path like '/article/%'  
            group by path order by hits DESC) as stats  
            where articles.slug = stats.article_name group by  
            order by sum DESC) AS top_authors  
        where =;  

$ CREATE VIEW most_errors as select to_char(date, 'FMMonth FMDD, YYYY'), err/total as ratio
       from (select time::date as date,
                    count(*) as total,
                    sum((status != '200 OK')::int)::float as err
                    from log
                    group by date) as errors
       where err/total > 0.01;
$ \q # to exit the shell


$ vagrant ssh               # ssh to the already initilized vagrant instance
$ cd /vagrant/ReportingTool # cd into the projct folder
$ python3           # run the program



The 3 Most Popular Articles of All Time 

Candidate is jerk, alleges rival    --- 338647      Views
Bears love berries, alleges bear    --- 253801      Views
Bad things gone, say good people    --- 170098      Views

The Most Popular Authers of All Time 

Ursula La Multa                     --- 507594      Views
Rudolf von Treppenwitz              --- 423457      Views
Anonymous Contributor               --- 170098      Views
Markoff Chaney                      --- 84557       Views

Days were Errors > 1% 

July 17, 2016                       --- 2.26268624680273 %


an effort was made to make this tool as simple as possible.

Function Descreption
get_most_popular_articles() returns curser with the 3 most populor articles as tuple (name, number of views)
get_most_popular_authors() returns curser with most popular authors as tuple (name, number of views)
get_errors() return curser with days with > %1 HTTP 404 Page not found Error (day, % of errors if > 1 )
to_print() to print results of the query in a human-readable way
db_connect() to connect to database ( db, cursor )



CREATE VIEW most_popular_articles as select articles.title, sum(stats.hits) from articles,
        (select substr(log.path,10,50) as article_name, count(*) as hits from log
        where path like '/article/%' group by path order by hits DESC) as stats
    where articles.slug = stats.article_name group by articles.title
    order by sum DESC LIMIT 3;


CREATE VIEW most_popular_authors as select, top_authors.sum from authors,
        (select, sum(stats.hits) from articles,
            (select substr(log.path,10,50) as article_name,
            count(*) as hits from log where path like '/article/%'
            group by path order by hits DESC) as stats
            where articles.slug = stats.article_name group by
            order by sum DESC) AS top_authors
        where =;


CREATE VIEW most_errors as select to_char(date, 'FMMonth FMDD, YYYY'), err/total * 100 as ratio
       from (select time::date as date,
                    count(*) as total,
                    sum((status != '200 OK')::int)::float as err
                    from log
                    group by date) as errors
       where err/total > 0.01;




Thanks MiSK and Udacity for this amazing course.