
Simple go projects to help me learn Go language.


  • A simple rock, paper, scissor commandline game - uses decision making and loops
  • A simple commandline calculator - made up of two modules. One module is the addition library which is intended to be imported by other libraries or applications and the second one is a caller application which will make use of the first
  • A simple movie app - uses go struct, struct receiver methods(value and pointer) to implement a movie reviews app by liking a movie
  • A simple commandline CRUD books app - uses go struct, error handling, loops, mongodb, Bson to manipulate a collection of books in a Mongo document database.

Common Features That cut across most of the projects

  • Variables
  • Data types
  • Operators
  • Decision making
  • Loops
  • Data Validation
  • Modularization
  • Bson
  • Error handling
  • Mongo-driver


1. Rock, Paper, Scissors

Screenshot (740)

2. Calculator

Screenshot (741)

3. Movie App

Screenshot (742)

4. Books App

Screenshot (744)

Screenshot (743)