xauxi is a event driven reverse proxy. The configuration is a Lua script where you have full access to the connection/request/response including the body data. It is easy to write own plugins to manipulate request, response and data. It is possible to write plugins either in Lua or C/C++.
Xau xi is vietnamese and stands for ugly. The idea is to solve standard use cases with a simple configuration but also be able to handle nasty situations.
Xauxi is currently based on LuaNode a very fun and greate project and seems to have a better performance than node.js or luvit.
Feedback is highly recommended.
0.1.1 Beta
Xauxi is currently under heavy development don't use it in a productive enviroment yet as the configuration can change.
All example and checked in configs expect a $HOME/workspace so the first thing is do
mkdir workspace
cd workspace
Then checkout xauxi
git clone git@github.com:ia97lies/xauxi.git
Or download a release from github and extract it
cd xauxi
On ubuntu system run the follwing script in the xauxi folder
On a red hat system run the follwing script in the xauxi folder
All others try to run ./generic.sh and resolve conflicts by hand
make all
You need httest to run all tests.
make test
Paste the following configuration in a file hello.lua in your xauxi home dir.
package.path = package.path..";./build/?.lua;"
xauxi = require "xauxi.engine"
xauxi.run {
serverRoot = ".",
errorLog = {
file = "error.log"
host = "localhost",
port = 8080,
transferLog = {
file = "access.log",
log = function(logger, req, res)
logger:info("%s %s", req.method, req.url)
map = function(server, req, res)
if xauxi.location(req, "/hello/world") then
res:writeHead(200, {["Content-Type"] = "text/plain"})
res:finish("Hello World")
xauxi.sendNotFound(req, res)
./build/bin/xauxi hello.lua
Open your browser and type localhost:8080/hello/world in your navigation bar.
- Full fledge SSL support for front and backend connection
- A REST debugger interface to tackle configuration problems
- Gzip plugin
- Redis for session store
- Bullet proof error handling - currently the poxy terminates on error, is ok for development but not for production settup
- Websockets tunneling
- Authentication plugin
Project started 2013 by Christian Liesch (@ia97lies)
I'd like to acknowledge the work of the following people or group:
- Ignacio Burgueno, for LuaNode
- Danilo Tuler and Thiago Ponte, for http://neopallium.github.com/lualogging/
- Paul Kulchenko, for serpent
MIT Licencse