
Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

this serves as the documentation of this project, which is not meant for public
use. Use this at your own discretion.

Sayu is the name of the project that will serve as a personal AI and computer
assistant controlled via discord and voice.


Some of the planned features of the assistant includes:
- Command execution via:
    - [ ] voice recognition
    - [ ] commandline interface
- [ ] Remote command execution via:
    - [X] discord
    - [ ] telegram
    - [ ] SMS
    - [ ] email
- [ ] Basic commands for:
    - [ ] printing
    - [ ] web scraping
        - [ ] downloading
        - [ ] information processing
    - [ ] file transmission
        - [ ] from server-side to client
        - [ ] from client to server side
    - [ ] basic UNIX commands
    - [ ] remote server management
    - [ ] programming language interpreter/compiler
        - [ ] python
        - [ ] c, c++
        - [ ] rust
        - [ ] shell
        - [ ] julia
    - [ ] basic document formatting via latex
    - [ ]


Currently implemented features:
- [X] Remote command execution via discord


Below is the project structure as of this commit.

+-- assets
|   +-- misc
|   |   `-- scripts
|   |       +-- replace_spec_char.py
|   |       `-- update_proj_structure.sh
|   `-- templates
|       `-- README
+-- check.sh
+-- config
|   `-- system.ini
+-- docs
|   +-- api
|   |   `-- api.md
|   +-- config
|   |   `-- system.ini.md
|   `-- system
|       `-- services
|           `-- services.md
+-- figs
|   +-- main
|   +-- main.drawio
|   `-- main.png
+-- mypy.ini
+-- requirements.txt
+-- resources
|   `-- shared
|       `-- commands.json
+-- scripts
|   `-- system
|       `-- setup.sh
+-- server
+-- src
|   +-- bot
|   |   +-- dc_bot
|   |   |   +-- dc_bot_main.py
|   |   |   +-- dc_bot.py
|   |   |   `-- __init__.py
|   |   +-- __init__.py
|   |   `-- shared
|   |       +-- __init__.py
|   |       `-- utils
|   |           +-- fetch_bot_cred.py
|   |           +-- filter.py
|   |           `-- __init__.py
|   +-- data
|   |   +-- dc_bot
|   |   |   +-- dc_bot_cred.py
|   |   |   `-- __init__.py
|   |   `-- __init__.py
|   +-- __init__.py
|   +-- main.py
|   `-- utils
|       +-- core
|       |   +-- indexing.py
|       |   +-- __init__.py
|       |   `-- voices
|       |       `-- __init__.py
|       +-- data
|       |   `-- __init__.py
|       +-- __init__.py
|       +-- log
|       |   +-- clogger.py
|       |   `-- __init__.py
|       `-- misc
|           +-- __init__.py
|           `-- wiki.py
+-- system
|   +-- packages.list
|   +-- service.list
|   +-- services
|   |   `-- index.service
|   +-- sysdeps.txt
|   +-- sys_setup
|   +-- sys_setup.ini
|   `-- tasks
|       `-- index.timer
+-- templates
|   `-- bot.env.temp
+-- tools
`-- update_readme.sh

34 directories, 48 files