
Take a photo of food and learn about it.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Nutrify - take a photo of food and learn about it

Work in progress.

To make this a thing, we're going to need lots of food images...

Start uploading your food images here: https://share.streamlit.io/mrdbourke/nutrify/main/food_image_collector.py

Streaming progress on Twitch/making videos about it on YouTube.

End goal: take a photo of food an learn about it (nutrition information, where it's from, recipes, etc).

Something like this (a data flywheel for food images):

Status: making a small application to collect large amounts of food images.

What's in this repo?

  • images/ - folder with misc images for the project
  • food_image_collector.py - Streamlit-powered app that collects photos and uploads them to a Google Storage bucket and stores metadata in Google Sheets (these are private), see the workflow below.
  • save_to_gsheets.py - Small utility script that saves a bunch of metadata about an uploaded image to a Google Sheet (this will likely move into a dedicated utils/ folder later on.
  • utils.py - Series of helper functions used in food_image_collector.py, for example, upload_blod(), a function that uploads a photo to Google Storage.
  • requirements.txt - A text file with the dependency requirements for this project.

Image uploading workflow

The script food_image_collector.py is currently hosted using Streamlit Cloud. It does this:

Master plan

As of: 15 September 2021

Note: this is very likely to change.

Stage 1 (currently here)

Build food image collection app, need a way to store images at large scale, images: object storage (Google Storage), info about images: relational database (PostgreSQL).

Stage 2

Build small prototype computer vision app to take a photo of ~10 different types of foods and return back their nutrition information (this'll be done via a public nutrition API, if you know of one, please let me know).

Stage 3

Merge inputs to stage 1 and stage 2 into a database (start linking together the data flywheel, more images get taken, models get improved, more images, better models, more images, better models, etc).

Stage 4

Upgrade stage 1, 2, 3 to work with world's 100 most commonly eaten foods (start with top of the Pareto curve and then start working backwards towards the tail).

Stage 5

Repeat the above until almost every food you can eat is covered.