

What is theLittleGuy ?

The little guy is a kind of a big project which will have a lot of functionalities in the future. However, right now it has only two modules (dictionary attacking the webserver to get the available paths, and analyzing the headers).

The Headers Analyzer Features :

1- The ability to pass the connection through a proxy.

2- changing the user-agent.

3- The ability to add new headers to check if they are present easily.

4- The ability to add new headers to check if they are missing (the script will show that the header is missing and print the value if the header is set)

The Dicionary Attack Features :

1- Multi threading.

2- Error detection (it can detect if there is something wrong for example if the webserver have blocked you).

3- Pause and continue later (when you press CTRL+C the script will create a new list which contains the untested words in the list in case you wanted to continue later!).

4- Connecting to an HTTP proxy.

5- Changing the user-agent.

6- Verbose mode.

7- Creating a file at the end of execution which contains the results.

8- Recursive attack

Pre-requirements :

1- python3.

2- requests library (I think it is shipped with the latest versions of python but I added it just in case).

usage :


Ading New Headers to check :

1 - Adding an informative header to check if present :

This feature allows you to check if a certain header is present (for example the Server header) and if it is present the script will print it's value. You can add new headers to check if they are present by adding them to the file resources/check_if_available_headers.lst and when you run the script it will check them.

2 - Adding Important Headers to check and report if missing :

This feature allows you to check if some headers are missing , and if so it will report it to you, however if the header is set the script will print it's value in case there is a misconfiguration that you can test. You can add new headers to the list by adding them to the file resources/check_if_not_available_headers.lst .