
PHP login and content management system

Primary LanguagePHP

This is the code repository for a PHP project published on YouTube.

View the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MlwoUL-9DE

It can be thought of as a lightweight content management system, which includes the ability to upload images, manage articles, authenticate users, and manage site settings like on a blogging platform.

Important Features / Topics Covered

For an end-user, the application may appear quite basic, as it's just a simple blogging system. But when looked from a developer's perspective, you can easily recognize that it covers a lot of different topics, ranging from dependecy injection to PHP Security, and from JavaScript modules to styling with Bootstrap.

So, here are the top things that the project currently includes:

  • upload images, generate thumbnails
  • create articles (using EditorJS), edit, delete
  • pagination for image library and blog articles pages
  • multi-user with authentication and authorization (roles like admin & editor)
  • frontend with FastRoute - index and single post pages
  • dev. environment created with Docker (nginx, php-fpm, mariadb)
  • styling using Bootstrap and some custom CSS
  • Llght and dark modes for the admin interface
  • form handling using JavaScript
  • JavaScript code organized as modules, then bundled using Webpack
  • SQL injection taken care of with PHP PDO prepared statements
  • XSS taken care of with HTMLPurifier & htmlspecialchars
  • CSRF tokens added to forms
  • PHP Classes defined for the entities, like Image, Article, User, etc
  • PHP-DI to manage class dependencies
  • version control using Git

Plans for the future

In addition to the above mentioned features, I also plan to include the following features to the project:

  • Commenting system for blog posts
  • Fine tuning the SEO features, with the ability to add custom title, meta description, schema markups, and XML sitemaps
  • Accessibility features
  • Automated testing using PHPUnit
  • Performance optimization, like lazy loading and page caching
  • Changeable templating system for the frontend

The project environment is created using Docker. Below you can find the instructions on how to setup the demo:


In order to setup the demo and start working with it on a local machine, you may need the following installed on your system:

  • Docker
  • PHP
  • Composer
  • MySQL Client
  • Nodejs & NPM
  • Any Database manager of your choice - DBeaver, PhpMyAdmin, etc.

How to Setup the Demo

Once you have the above requirements in place, clone the repo to an appropriate location on your machine:

git clone https://github.com/iabhinavr/phpcms.git

Then run the PHP Composer command to install the dependencies:

composer --version
composer install

Following that, install the NPM packages:

npm --version
npm install

Now build the Docker containers and start them. It uses the configuration given in the docker-compose.yml file.

docker compose build
docker compose up -d

Viewing the Project

The docker-compose.yml maps the ports 8084 (for localhost) and 33094 (for database). The localhost domain name used in the nginx.conf file is php-cms.local.

So, you should be able to access the project from: http://php-cms.local:8084/

To access the backend: http://php-cms.local:8084/admin/login.php

You may use either of the following credentials to login to the admin area:

Username: abhinavr
Password: JzTKpr4ytt2Tjm

Username: testuser
Password: L9fGszFGYPRh6b