
This repository holds the backend resources for coupon code validator

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Coupon Code Validator

This repository holds the backend resources for coupon code validator


  • AWS Lambda
  • Amazon DynamoDB
  • Amazon API Gateway
  • Serverless Framework for IaC.
  • GitHub actions for CI/CD.
  • Webpack for bundling code.
  • ESLint for code linting.

How to set up the project

git clone https://github.com/iabhishek07/coupon-code-validator.git

  • Clone this repository

npm install

  • This will install all the required dependencies.

npm run format

  • format all the files using ESLint

npm run bundle

  • Packages the code using WebPack

sls deploy --stage <dev/prod> --region <region>

  • This command will deploy the resources to AWS using dev credentials

Folder Structure

├── .gitHub             # CI/CD workflow for GitHub actions
├── CreateCouponCode    # Lambda code to create a new coupon code
├── ListCouponCodes     # Lambda code to list all the coupon codes 
├── ValidateCouponCodes # Lambda code to validate the coupon code and return discount amount
├── helpers             # Folder holding constants and helper functions for other lambdas
├── serverless.yml      # Serverless framework resource configuration file
├── TestFiles           # Testing files helpful to test APIs using postman or lambda console
└── README.md

CI/CD Setup (GitHub Actions Workflow)

Steps to set up CI/CD using GitHub Actions

The following is the list of steps that is executed as a part of the CI/CD setup:

  1. Store all account credentials in GitHub secrets to access them in environment without exposing. The AWS credentials will be used for deploying the application into your AWS account.
  1. Install serverless
  2. Install npm
  3. Bundle project using webpack
  4. Deploy to dev environment: Singapore (ap-southeast-1)
  5. Deploy to prod environment: Mumbai (ap-south-1)

Steps to test deployed APIs

1. Create Coupon Code

  • Fetch the deployed API endpoint for create coupon code POST API from API Gateway console or from GitHub actions dev-deploy/prod-deploy job
  • Open Postman
  • Paste the API endpoint in Postman with Method as POST
  • From TestFiles folder copy the contents from the createCouponCodes.json file, change values accordingly and paste in the body of POST API
  • Click "Send"
  • You should get 201 status code with created item as response.
  • Alternatively, If you want to test from Lambda console, Go to deployed lambda in test event paste contents of createCouponCode-apigw.json and hit "Test"

2. List Coupon Codes

  • Fetch the deployed API endpoint for List coupon codes GET API from API Gateway console or from GitHub actions dev-deploy/prod-deploy job
  • Open Postman
  • Paste the API endpoint in Postman with Method as GET
  • Click "Send"
  • You should get 200 status code with array of all the items as response
  • Alternatively, If you want to test from Lambda console, Go to deployed lambda and hit "Test"

3. Validate Coupon Code

  • Fetch the deployed API endpoint for Validate coupon code GET API from API Gateway console or from GitHub actions dev-deploy/prod-deploy job
  • Open Postman
  • Paste the API endpoint in Postman with Method as GET
  • Go to Params tab in Postman and add two keys "couponCode" & "totalCartAmount" with the appropriate values
  • Click "Send"
  • You should get 200 status code with the object consisting two parameters "isValid" & "discountAmount" as response body
  • Alternatively, If you want to test from Lambda console, Go to deployed lambda in test event paste contents of validateCouponCode-apigw.json and hit "Test"