# Start application to build the api image
$ docker-compose up
# find the api container name from docker processes running
$ docker-compose ps
# Install application dependencies
$ docker exec -ti api_container_name sh -ci 'npm install'
# OR
# Execute into the api container
$ docker exec -it api_container_name sh
# Run npm install
$ npm install
# Stop container
$ docker-compose stop
# Start your container again foreground mode
$ docker-compose up
# OR
# Start in background mode
$ docker-compose up -d
# Logs
$ docker-compose logs container_name
# Seed test data
$ docker exec -ti api_container_name sh -ci 'npm db'
# Or
# Execute into the api container
$ docker exec -it api_container_name sh
# Creates test data. Default 100 records.
$ node database/migrate.js
# Run unit tests
$ docker exec -ti api_container_name sh -ci 'npm test'
# Or
# Execute into the api container
$ docker exec -it api_container_name sh
# Run tests.
$ npm test
Configure your docker-compose.yml as specified in the sample yml file docker-compose-prod.yml or specified the docker compose on stack deployment For Horizontal scaling of the application, for now we use docker swarm. More details Docker swarm documentation
# Build production image
$ docker build -t apipromo .
# Initialize your swarm.
$ docker swarm init
# Deploy using the docker stack. Change the number of default replicas in the yml file.
$ docker stack deploy --compose-file=docker-compose-prod.yml production
# Updates all stacks/replicas if we have a new image of the api container
$ docker service update --image apipromo:v2 production
# Add more 50 replicas
$ docker service scale production=50
# List services running
$ docker service ls
# see logs
$ docker service logs api_container_name
I recommend post man or curl or the loopback explorer
The api exposes the following endpoints.
- POST /api/Promotions
- POST /api/Promotions/setPromoRadius
- GET 'api/Promotions/validate
- GET /api/Promotions/getActive
- GET /api/Promotions/getAll
- PUT /api/Promotions/activate
- PUT /api/Promotions/deactivate
And other in built loopback REST APIs. Check api explorer for details.
# Endpoint POST /api/Promotions/validate'
"from": {
"latitude": 59.3293371, # Required
"longtitude": 13.4877472 # Required
"to": {
"latitude": 59.3225525, # Required
"longtitude": 13.4619422 # Required
"code": "String" # Required
# Endpoint POST /api/Promotions'
"eventId": Integer, # Required
"amount": Integer, # Required
"radius": Integer, # Required
"activated": Boolean,
"expired": Boolean,
# Endpoint POST /api/Promotions/setPromoRadius
"code": String, # Required
"radius": Integer, # Required
# Endpoint POST /api/Promotions/expire
"code": String, # Required Valid promo code. Auto generated
"activated": Boolean, # Required
# Endpoint POST /api/Promotions/expire
"code": String, # Required Valid promo code. Auto generated
"activated": Boolean, # Required
Note Includes active, expired and deactivate codes.
# Endpoint POST /api/Promotions/getAll
Returned Data.
"id": Integer,
"eventId": Integer,
"code": String,
"amount": Integer,
"radius": Integer,
"activated": Boolean,
"expired": Boolean,
"createdAt": Date,
"updatedAt": Date
Note Excludes expired and deactivated promo codes.
# Endpoint POST /api/Promotions/getActive
Returned Data.
"id": Integer,
"eventId": Integer,
"code": String,
"amount": Integer,
"radius": Integer,
"activated": Boolean,
"expired": Boolean,
"createdAt": Date,
"updatedAt": Date