
A small status bar utility for fast and easy access to all iPhone Simulator installed applications

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


SimLink is a small utility that lives in the status bar. It gives you easy and fast access to all iPhone Simulator versions and all applications that are installed under them.


SimLink v0.1:

  • List application's name, bundle identifier, version and size
  • Renders icon as defined in info.plist (Hardcoded as of now)
  • Open application's folder in Finder with a single (Click)
  • Launch an application in the iPhone Simulator (⌘ + Click) (Only user apps)
  • Delete an application (⌘ + ⌥ + ⌃ + Click)

Current Limitations

  • Application's icon is hardcoded to use "icon@2x~{ipad, iphone}.png"
  • Simulator SDK is hardcoded to use system default
  • Simulator Device Family is hardcoded to "iPad"
  • No handling for empty menus
  • System applications are always visible
  • System applications cannot be launched in Simulator


  • Features & Cleanup:
    • Get rid of all hardcoded stuff
    • Implement proper application's icon parsing
    • Implement xcassets parsing
    • Implement a start dialog with possible simulator settings before launching an application
    • Add Simulator configuration possibilityy
  • Further menu actions:
    • Delete contents of Documents/Library folder
    • View apllication's User Defaults stored in Preferences folder
  • Application preferences with the following possible settings:
    • Start at login
    • Key bindings
    • Show/Hide system applications
    • Default Simulator settings (SDK, Device Family ... etc)
    • Notification Center integration
  • An icon, for the app itself and for the status bar
  • ...


SimLink is licensed under the MIT Licence