Deploy Laravel on Vercel

Use vercel/php runtime to run Laravel on Vercel Serverless Functions.

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Important files

Copy these files to your project:

  • vercel.json: Some required configs to run Laravel in serverless function.
  • server.php: File that starts the app and it routes the assets.
  • .vercelignore (Optional): Sets files and folders that should be ignored from the deployment process.

Build assets

You can run additional commands during the Vercel build process by adding them to the "vercel" script in composer.json file.

If you need a more complex build system, you can use Github Actions to build and use vercel deploy cli command. (Don't forget to disable git auto-deployments in the project settings)


By default, vercel/php does not include the built assets to production source. The server.php file contains an logic to force to do this.

Environment variables

The vercel.json file contains some env variables necessary to run Laravel but you can change them, add more or define others in the project settings in Vercel dashboard.