
An Saas made with Laravel + Stripe

Primary LanguagePHP


Página inicial: landing.png Página de planos: pricing.png
Checkout: checkout.png Visão geral da conta: account.png

Getting started

Clone this repo and run commands in the order below:

composer install
yarn install
cp .env.example .env # And edit the values
php artisan key:generate

Fill the "STRIPE_KEY", "STRIPE_SECRET", "STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET" environment variables at the and of .env file.

Then start Docker containers using Sail:

sail up -d

Run the migrations

sail artisan migrate --seed

Front-end assets

Open another terminal tab and run the command below to compile front-end assets:

yarn run dev

Stripe Webhooks

Install the Stripe CLI to use webhook forwarding.

Open another terminal tab and run the command below:

stripe listen --forward-to localhost/stripe/webhook

Now you can access the project at http://localhost in your browser.